Chapter 7

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Nico POV

I helped Sarah get to the nurse, as she steadied her breathing. There was another boy holding her up so she wouldn't fall. But other then that it was a silent walk.

"Oh my! What happened!" The nurse looked frantic as she wheeled the curtain back from blocking a bed, and snatched pill bottles from drawers across the room.
I helped Sarah get up and lied her down, as she squeezed my hand for reasurcance(sp?).
I got up to get a paper cup, then filling it with the cold filtered water. The nurse came back with multiple capsule pills in her hand before handing them to me. Going back to the bed I set them down on the table watching the other boy with curiosity.

"Who are you?" Breaking the tension, he broke his gaze from staring at Sarah, then glared at me.
"None of your concern"
It ended at that, as bells rang through out the day, I had to go, or I wouldn't make it to Percy.
"I'll take care of her, since your too busy to." The other boy said, obviously passive aggressive.
I shrugged him off and left the nurses room, still smelling the sanitizer and rubbing alcohol.
Once I got to my locker, I turned the combination, then stuffed everything into my backpack, as I sprinted off to the flag pole.

Percy POV

Getting to Nico was harder then I thought it would be. Wally wouldn't let me out of his sight, he would walk me to class, not just to the door but made sure I was sitting down, and ready, then he would be at the door before I even got out! What's his issue it's not like Nico is gonna kill me, I mean sure he looks like a pale vampire goth, who is a foot taller then me.

It was the last period and I saw Wally's head stick out from the crowd. I held onto his jacket, to not get lost, cause one of his giant steps equals 4 or 5 Percy steps. I used this as a chance to get away from him, letting go, sprinting to my locker and going as fast as possible to jam in what ever book I needed.
Swiftly dodging everyone to get to the exit I saw him waiting , his head leaning against the cold metal as his hair flopped down covering his eyes.
Smiling I walked towards him.
"Hey Nico!" I screamed waving my hand links a maniac.
Nico just shook his head and shoved me into a hug.
"Dude, this is awkward!" I whisper yelled, squirming out of his grasp.
He chuckled then bent down to my height, I crossed my arms and huffed at his joke.
"Your so tiny, you look like me last time I saw you.
A/N- Nico is 13
"What do you mean last time, wait did I know you before the crash!" I exclaimed this only caused him to panic

"There was a crash! Were's Sally, and why are you in Gotham?" He shot me a worried glance but I brushed it off and looked down.
"Yeah, you see I was in a coma and got amnesia, I'm in Gotham cause apparently my parents died so I live with my uncle now."

This was awkward, it only gets worse though, I bet.
As if on cue, I'm snatched up, and thrown across someone's back like a potato's sack.

"Nico! Hey put me down, right now!" I screamed trying to get out. I kicked my legs trying to hit something, and wiggles around like some worm. Who was this dude. He just continued walking like it was nothing. Eventually he slowed to a stop and put me down, once I saw him I realized it was Conner. I growled at him in frustration and went to go back to Nico, and obviously was stopped as he held my hoodie. These damn people, using my small body to their advantage. I slipped my arms out of the jacket and ran, I didn't look back I just ran, through the school, out the back. I stopped and put my stuff down to look for something to do and blow off some steam.
I saw the gymnasium across from and and walked in,
taking off my jacket I took a running start and grabbed the bars swinging back and forth between the higher one and lower one. I made my way around the area and saw the platform that had springs underneath.

3rds POV

Percy slipped his shoes off and started doing some tumbling tricks, he just let his body move, all the muscle memory lead him in each flip and bounce. It was just for fun so his form wasn't perfect but it sure did work to let the energy out. Jason found him and sat in the bench just watching, wanting to tell Dick about it later. They were already late for Alfred, so unfortunately interrupting Percy, The two boys walked out to the limo, we're not only the brothers were in but the whole gang. Percy places himself next to the window and Jason, glaring at Wally and Conner for not letting him talk to Nico, his only source of his past life. Jason talked to Percy though, saying how there was a gymnasium at the house, or a track in the back, He numbly nodded then got out heading straight to his room, locking it.

Percy POV

It's so frustrating why does he do it, he doesn't care,he can't care about me. I'm useless, no memory, nothing special, I didn't save anyone with these powers, I just killed my parents. How I wanna scream about it, yell, lash out and cry. All I do is whisper I'm fine to myself, as the thoughts scream in my head, the light in my heart goes out slowly, no fire to warm it, I'm just a weak, ugly boy, who can't do shit, cause everything he doesn't is always stopped by someone bigger and stronger. I can't make any decisions myself, at lunch Wally could easily keep me there as if I were a doll, no strength no weight, just the bone and brain that keeps me in this life, the small barrier between the life and death. My breathing gets rugged and labored. Every time someone comes up to me I panic, it's like a mental battle going inside my mind of what do or say, and one day I'm afraid I'm not gonna win, and that mind will just stop and my heart will shatter, and my broken self will actually break, cause right now I only have so many support beams left.

A/N that concludes chapter 7!!! Yay! So in the next chapter I'm gonna strengthen him more to not be such a victim, but just remember the reason he is weak and small his cause he was in a coma for a long time and cause of his metabolism being sped up, and the mortal doctors only gave him what a normal human eats, so that's why he is so small, and for strength you need food for muscles and to train to keep them.

Comments and feedback are welcome, and don't worry Percy will meet the YJ team as superheroes in the next chapter.

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