Chapter 6

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Percy POV

Listening to the teacher drone on about what the Pythagorean's theorem is gonna apply to our homework tonight, obviously went through one ear and out the next.

My head was slowly lolling to the side, but the gods didn't let me sleep. The chair under me slid and broke, as I rolled over not so softly hitting the other desks with a thud.

"Mr.Jackson! What in God's name do you think your doing!" Ms.Collin screamed at me
"Just chillin here, don't mind me." Sarcasm, my second language.
"Why you little-" the bell cut her off as she put her scraggly crooked finger away is I rushed over grabbed my books and made my way to lunch, Olivia said she would meet me by the arch.

Time skip

"Olivia! Hey where's the Canteen?"  She turns around looking a bit annoyed before playfully dragging me over.
"So, here we have assigned seats every day, you do usually have at least a few people that stick with you during the entire year, come on I'll help you find you table."

We went along each row for a while, Olivia had to go to her seat, but I continued my search. Looking at the designs they were magnificent, there carvings and the curves of the stools.

"Percy! Over here!" I turned around to see a mob of red hair, waving over to me.
I laughed before running over hugging Wally, the one thing I like so far in this new life.

Sighing, I reluctantly let go of him before people started to stare. Him being a foot taller then me smiled and looked down before crushing me in his own hug.

"Can't....breath!" Wheezing out a warning before pushing back with a fit of coughs forcing their way out my throat. He just laughed and plopped me down in the chair next to him.

Glaring at his grin I cross my arms before actually noticing how small I am, me feet so t even touch the ground and my short arms can't reach the food.
Fortunately I guess Wally took my plate and put a little of everything, on it, then twice as much. I looked around at the other people sitting, not feeling very social I just ate the food, then pushing the still full plate away, feeling satisfied with my meal not wanting more.

"Percy." Wally said in a warning tone as he pushed the plate towards me, I shook my head and pushed it away, kind of feeling like a child.

"Fine but then you have to talk, guys this is Percy-"
"Jackson." I cut him off I am no Wayne boy.

"These are my friends, Megan, Kaldur, Zatanna, Artemis, Conner, and you already know Dick." He said pointing to each of them. I tried to get back up and was so close, until Wally grabbed me and dragged me back down to my seat. Ugh.
Letting my ADHD take over my thoughts, I tried to remember anyone from my past life, friends, room mates, maybe some cousins?
A image flashed in my head, it was so close, at the tip of my tongue, of a face, it was pale with ever so dark eyes, and even darker hair. A cold hand rested against my shoulder, but I had to get that face. Too soon it had left, I could barley remember it now.

Zoning out back to reality, there was a tall boy in front of us, arguing with Wally.
"He's my best friend!" The boy seethed
"Then why weren't you at the hospital when he lost his memory? Huh!" Wally shot back
The dark haired boy's eyes flickered to shock, just for a moment.
"I was never told this, but I know more about Percy Jackson then you'll ever get to." He glared with pure hatred towards Wally before dragging me along.
"Who are you? You knew my past? Can we stop for a second?" I kept rapidly firing more questions then I could process, my mouth moving faster then my brain, nothing stopping till the boy put his hand right over my mouth, abruptly stopping it all.

"Hey! He is not property, you can't force him to go with you!" I saw Wally chasing after us, one by one the whole group following pushing past anyone who got in the way. Conner literally threw a girl right down, you could here her body collide with the hard marble.
"My name is Nico Di'angelo,meet me after school, flagpole." Nico stated before running past the group to the girl, I saw Damian by her side as they put a tube to her mouth, trying to calm her down as the sat her on a chair.

I turned to see Wally as he glared furiously to Nico, his expression cold, and scary, pure hatred clouded his brighten emerald irises. Making them look dark, as he clenched his jaw and fists, tensing every fiber in his body, I knew right then he wanted to torture Nico to the brim of death, then do it again the next day, and the next, like his own personal punching bag.

"Wally come on, next class is your favorite food science." I called, his expression softening and body relaxing, looking like a completely different person. He laughed and caught up with us as we left the canteen.

That's the end of chapter 6 we have OC's/Characters which I will announce in the next chapter of who is with which boy, and who created them.
Hero's are still available for the story-note the OC's can be changed by me for minor adjustments to fit the story person will be notified so they can have a chance to change themselves, ex. Hero name and or powers, and background, again Minor adjustments to these things not major-and thanks for reading!

Hero Name:
Friends within team:
Costume description:

Physical description:
Home style:

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