Chapter 4

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Dick POV

When I came downstairs I saw Wally on the couch with Percy laying between his legs and a tight grip around Wally's waist. I grinned and darted to Jason's room, shaking him away, then dragging him down the stairs.

"What the hell Grayson!"
I shushed him and pointed at the two boys down stairs.
"Awww" he cooed "come on I wanna get a closer look."
We creeped down the stairs, and I saw Jason slip his phone out of his PJ pocket and snapped a photo of them too together.
"Let's just let them sleep till breakfast" I whispered and tip toed back upstairs, to my room.

Time skip

I walked down stairs dressed and ready for school along with the boys, Gotham Arcady goes from middle school through high school.
"Dick come on, we're gonna be late for breakfast!" Tim was dragging me towards the kitchen.
I sit down before two flashes (one yellow one blue)
zoom past me to the seats in front.
"I beat you! Ha!"
"Did not, you just had the closer seat!"
Both boys exclaimed

They bickered back and forth until Alfred brought two giant stacks of hot cakes and placed it in-front of the two speedsters. , effectively shutting them up.
Percy has a grin on his face as he leaped for the syrup and started pouring it over the fluffy goodness.

"Percy your gonna drown them!" Wally argued trying to take the bottle from him
"Am not!"
Percy encourages into the soggy hot cakes as Wally gets up already done
"Wre ooh oing!" (Where are you going) Percy complains
"Just getting ready-"
"For what?"
"School you dummy!" Then Wally zooms in and out dressed and ready to go

Percy POV
"" I mumbled trying to remember that hellhole
I shrugged and continue with my hot cakes.
"Master Percy, your uniform is in your room" Alfred said
I glared at him before running to my room, changing then coming back down, where Alfred has my bag. I groaned in response of having to go, so I dragged Wally with me to get my skate boards from upstairs
"Come on, it's way more fun this way!" I told him
"But, perce!"
"Weenie! Fine go be a rich boy in the limousine." I teased with a playful smirk, before kicking it up and jumping onto the stairs handle and sliding down down, the board in my lap.
"Come on!" I waved "Meet you outside!"
Going through the door I looked around deciding which route i should go, and started skating on the sidewalk following the limo.

Time skip

I was doing a few trick on the way before stopping the board with a screech, then picking it up.
There was this blonde guy looking at me, he had tan skin and ash blonde hair, in a military cut, he had the uniform of a white polo, grey vest, and navy blue slacks with dress shoes. Dress shoes weren't in the uniform so I had on the white polo black vest, black jeans, Wally's denim jacket that I stole and some converse. I walked into the front office where an old lady sat with tiny Harry Potter glasses.
"Hi dear, what do you need?" She asked looking up.

"I'm new here so..." I told her,rubbing the back of my neck nervously.
She smiled a me and called someone on the phone before handing me a yellow sheet of paper.
"Times Tables change weekly, and rotation is every few months." She smiled
I nodded as a blond haired girl walked in, she had the girls version of the uniform, white long sleeve with a grey sweater vest, a black skirt and some flats, her strawberry blonde hair reaching her back, and a black headband keeping her perfectly parted hair away from her face. She smiled at me before walking closer.
"I'm Olivia Berry, welcome to Gotham Academy."
Olivia greeted as she took her hand out for me to
shake, I did so and couldn't help but be thankful it wasn't someone rude, or slutty.
We walked out of the office as she took me on a tour of which classes where for my grade, and such.

"Here is the pool and over there is the gymnasium, we have 3, one is for gymnastics, another is the competition gym, and the other is daily, like for PE, and such."
I nodded in response, we stopped at my locker which was in a big block of others, and I was smack down in the middle.

"Looks like your joining their gang." Olivia commented
I have her a confused look and she continued
"There's a group of kids they all have these lockers and they hang out, kind of like a cult per say, like Artemis (idk her last name) and Wally West didn't go here and just happened to be in the same area as all the other exchange student, Conner Kent, and Megan Morse." She shrugged and we went to my second class cause I missed first with the tour in all.

Olivia dropped me off and told me to meet her at lunch, I noodled and flashed her a smile as I walked into the room, Architecture, Bruce chose my electives for the first term , then he said I could go from there.
I walked in, and the teacher immediately stopped, and all eyes came onto me (history has its eyes on you!)

"You must be Percy Jackson I presume, I'm Mr.Donning."
"Yup, that's me." Of course he said it like that all formal, I mean at least he didn't say Perseus.
"Well tell us about yourself, and say one architectural fact from where you have been!" He  was offered
"Well, my uncle is Bruce Wayne, so I live with him, and I used to live in New York, and Jack London designed and Built The Wolf House." I said, I remember Jack London from one of Tim's books I believe.
"Any questions for Mr.Jackson? Going once, going twice, to Kaldur in the back!" He yelled and swung his finger to kaldur.
"What is New York like?"
"I wouldn't know,lost my memore few days ago, that's why I'm here."
Mr.D told me to sit anywhere and the only seat was next to a light brown haired girl, she had brown eyes, and peach pale skin, a sharp nose, along with a high pony tail.
"Hi I'm Sarah." We shook hands and that was that, she was shy I could tell, soon the bell rang and I went to Math.

That's a rap! So announcement is that updating next week depends if I have time, since we have family coming over which means 4 babies, 2 little girls. 2 boys, and a lot of babysitting, so I may or may not, please comment, and give me some OC's to add in it can just be one that appears at the school or it can be shipped with a character, if it's with a character that's gonna come a little later n the book but yeah.

Shout out to Green-wings for the first OC

Gender(girl or boy):
Minor( friend)
Semi (ex.shipped with character)
Quick appearance
Physical appearance
Quick background

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