Next chapter Part 5

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A lump of tissues, and blankets, in the midst of a forest made with ice cream buckets and take-out scraps.

Dick creeped open the door slowly as the hang trickled in.

", let's get this over with. Percy is not cheating on you! I know when you told me about your suspicions I was with you, but... I was wrong."
His head hung low as Wally emerged.

There in front of them all was Wally, still in the same outfit they last saw him in, hair long, eyes red and swollen.

"What? But... You said!" tears threatened to fall "then this means - oh shit!" He zoomed passed them, coming back with a trash bag, and within minutes the room was clear.

"I need to see him. God, he was loyal and amazing, and at the first chance I thought he was cheating, I messed it all up."

Artemis and Meghan followed suit in one dragging him to the bathroom, and the other looking for the old tux from Barry and Iris's wedding.

Artemia poked and prodded, scrubbing and shaved everything. Until Wally was clear of any hair that wasn't on his head.

Finally changing into something clean, a bright yellow hoodie, some jeans and converse.

"Guys, what am I gonna do, I practically almost ghosted him, without him even knowing! Oh holy shit! -"

"What did you do?!" Artemis held her finger up in a threatening manor.

"I haven't done anything, but we need a plan, he didn't even know he cheated for crying out loud!"

"Wally does have a point" Kaldur Intervened

"Well...Start by calling him maybe?"Dick offered

Wally turned a longing gaze toward his phone, his phone that he wanted to smash against the wall.

Percy POV

Percy was lying in his bed, scrolling through Pinterest. His eye still swollen flickering up and down the screen.

Tell Sarah I say Hi

A small smile appeared on the screen, him and Nico haven't talked since the Camp trip. Lazily rolling out, he slipped on his uniform and a beanie over his unruly hair. He still had no clue what happened with Wally and Friends so he'd just skate board to school.

"What am I gonna do?" He thought
"Well first, let's find this Sarah chick and make friends, that don't involve them"

He went down to the garage,
Grabbing is skateboard and took off

When Percy got to school on the dot of 6:05, he saw a girl with a high brown ponytail in a neat royal blue sweater with a white collar, and the traditional uniform skirt.

Stopping his traction he ran up to said girl

"Hey! I need help!" He screamed trying to catch up

Turning around, eyes wide she looked up at him

"Uh, do you know a Sarah?"

Her eyes flickered up and down from him and her shoes.

Surprise lifted Percy's eyebrows "Oh! That's great, uh I was wondering if you" completely forgetting about his original mission he said the first thing that came to mind "wanted to go to a water park! Yeah, um. Yeah"

Her checks flushed as Percy rubbed the back of his neck "Like a date? I can't date so if I were..." before she rambled on Percy intervened "No! No! I just don't know a lot of people, and my friend Nico wanted me to meet you, so as friends. A bonding experience."      (that they won't forget about -Voltron ™)

"Sure than. Yeah I suppose I could. Meet me in the library for lunch and we can plan it!" A small smile lifted her lips as she waved bye.

SORRY and thx to AlldaladiesluvLeoHoO for 1. A new character, and 2. Kinds curing my writers block to finish this chapter and start working in the next one. Sorry it was so short but I didn't wanna leave you guys with nothing!

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