Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to Wait_For_My_Shot
For her OC Jenna lightning

No ones POV

Jason being an intern at Wayne enterprises, only had to be at school for 3 days a week, cause he got credit through the internship.

Usually he would be an interviewer or Human Resources, stuff like that. Today he was reception though, Bruce thought he needed better people skills. Yeah right! So doing his work, he continued with his clicker of how many people came in, and who they were when hey checked in, making sure they clocked in and out for everything. Strangely he enjoyed being a bit organized for somethings, so at least a few objectives in his life weren't a mess.

After it had gotten dark and people were starting to clock out, he heard screams coming.

"Help! Please! Someone!" It sounded like a girl, but since his uniform was at home he had to do this the normal way. So he called security and went outside.

There were large men, dressed in black from head to toe, ski mask to hide identity's, gloves for DNA, shows and pants to blend in the dead of night.
Even then you could hear the stopping of the hard shoes, and patterns of their running.
   Jason turned around, knocked down by a short girl - shorter than him- with ripped jeans, reared up converse, and a ragged bloody T-shirt, scars along her ribs trailed long above her shoulder blade, burnt marks of cigarettes were defined in her pale skin. She was so skinny, you could barley tell the difference from meat to bone.
They locked hands as he guards help back the men, calling back up.

That was the day he met Jenna.

Line break

Jenna was laid down in the Wayne's infirmary, an IV hooked up, and Alfred stitching up previous wounds of glass shards, and cleaning infections of burns, and puss.
All batboys were curious  about the girl, how long was she in that environment? What's her name? How is she still alive in that condition? Even then they still needed to eat dinner, so they wait down, being home early, and ordered takeout

But little'ole Percy, oblivious to it all, was showering upstairs, singing at the top of his lungs, Guns and ships. Bubbles towered on his head, using a soap bar as a microphone, rubber duckies lined up as the audience. Usually the boys were still out late on Thursday nights so he had the mansion to himself.
   But tonight Percy didn't know, the drama that continued down stairs.

Jenna stood awake, almost giving her whiplash as Jason went to comfort her, keeping her breath steady, so her stitches didn't rip. Holding her hand, motioning a slow in and out with his free hand. This continued, until her eyes started closing, with each breath, closer and closer, as she fell back to sleep. Alfred hooked her up to more things, trying to figure why she passed out like that.

"Master Jason," he began "Her body is weak, it's going into a state, so she can heal-"

"What happen Alfred.." Jason said, through gritted teeth.

"She's in a coma..."

That was the day Jason's heart started to break away from him

Line break_______
On Saturday, it was the YJ leagues Anual Anniversary, this year, Robin was hosting it, he set out the snacks, as Wally sped in with a mountain of pizza boxes and a huge cake that a 'Secret Person' baked, of course everyone was suspicious with who made it, but never the less exited to devour it.

One by one people came joining into the festivities,
and continuing tradition as well, they voted on a movie.

"Okay guys! Listen up! Hey! SHUT IT!" Robin screamed as Wally and Conner fought over which film they'd watch.
"No you stop-"
"How about you, before I rip your face off!" Conner growled, they looked back at Robin and grumbled in their own puddle of self-generated anger.

"So we have Finding Nemo, Dead-Pool, Harry Potter, or Moana." He announced, but before anyone could vote a ding was heard at the zeta-beams.
A small boy, with pale skin, and long, fluffy black locks. His eyes were wide as he zoomed around. That's right zoomed. This mystery boy was a speedster. Blue lightning followed him in each movement, moving fast and bright. But the league
has handled them kind before, weapons ready, they looked at each other. Fortunately the boy didn't know they where there, so when he sped over, Conner grabbed him and locked him in a Zeta-tube (A/N- is that what hey are called?) for further questioning.
"Hey! Let me out! I'd did nothing wrong, I was just getting the stupid broom! Alfreds gonna kill me if I'm not home by dinner!" The boy plopped down with a huff, laying in a awkward position of legs up but sitting..

"Wait I tick! Thats Percy!" Wally hisses before slamming the button letting him out.

"What the heck! Who are you guys?!" Percy screamed, running out to get as far away from them as possible.
"Wait! Percy!" Wally ran after him

The team was out of breath once they caught up with the speedsters.

"How do you know my name!" He yelled defensively
pushing himself against the wall, trying to get away from Wally. The small boy breathing was shallow and rapid, increasing by the minute, as he pushed him self in a corner, eyes wide as he started to sink, hugging his knees to his chest.
"Percy it's fine, you know me, you trust me, just breath." Wally wrapped his arms, cradling Percy in his arms in an attempt to calm him.
Slowly Percy's breathing got slower and deeper as his head lolled to the side and rested on Wally's chest. Soft snores left the young boy, Wally smiled and lifted him up bridal style, and onto the couch, unlacing his black converse of his feet.
Then the team joined in and got blankets and pillows, Even if they didn't bond with Percy they all had a silent vow that no harm would come to him. They were his new protectors. No matter the cost, Percy was not gonna get involved in the hero business, not gonna know their identities, the terrors and traumas were not what the boy needed at this point of his life, sure they'll help with powers, but the sacrifice. He had already lost his parents he didn't need to lose his innocence or possibly sanity. He just needed a happy life, and they'd help him through it.
A/N- sorry for the wait I'm have serious writers block. And I got sick twice with the flu, and school piled on 3 bench marks, 2 snap shots, a pre-final exam, practice essay editing exam, plus regular weekly testing.
So yeah....

Please comment, vote, and share, ideas are welcome and appreciated, no more OC's are needed right now, but with the OC's I got I might make a mini series starring them, to have a short romance book of them and their batboy. Maybe I don't know yet.

And check out my poetry book, I have a few posted, but I want some feed back, and ratings on them

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