Chapter 3

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Warning it's only
Gonna be 800 words so pretty short
Ages are

Damian- 9
Dick/Wally/Percy- 14
Tim- 17
Jason- 18
YJ members- 13-16

Wally POV

I texted Dick that I was here but he didn't answer. I got out of the car thanking Barry, as he was the one who drove me.
For being really rich, they had really low security, there was a row of rocks lining the front lawn, I counted them until it was the 15th one on the right, I picked it up revealing a capsule with a little key in it, i slid it down, letting the key fall easily in my hand, I placed the rock back where I found it and unlocked the door.

"Honey, I'm home!" I joked

Suddenly I was hit with a hard force knocking me down. My head collided with the floor. As I groaned in response to the pain, and throbbing in my head. I slowly got up and adjusted myself, seeing 3 boys with Dick picking up a pale-boy with jet black hair covering his face, he looked pretty boney, his clothes hanging lose from his figure, i could tell he didn't use to look like this, his cheeks where a little hollow and he was laying in the middle of a broken book shelf.

"I didn't know he had super speed!"
"None of us did idiot"
"Your all idiots just get him out and wake him up!"

Three boys argued while Dick lifted the small boy up.
"Guys! Lift him...he's is super light!" A look of worry cane over Dick "He shouldn't be this light."

The oldest looking one looked down to him and slowly took the pale boy into his arms
"Your right, I don't think this is healthy, lets get him to the living room."
I cleared my throat making my presence know but all but Dick, ignored me.

"Wally! You can help, come on!"

I followed him where the boys were as we surrounded the little boy still confused on what the heck was going on . He looked so cute, his hair
covered his face but I could see through it, a bit since there were little spaces between each lock of hair,he looked so peaceful, I found myself looking down towards his lips, they were a soft pastel pink, but also a little rosy red, he was shorter then me, I could probably fit him perfectly on my shoulders, or in my lap. Oh how I would love to do that, as I caressed my fingers in his hair, or hold his hand with interwoven fingers looped in one another.

"So you are..." I trailed off looking as the guy next to me
"I could ask you the same thing."

"Guys this is Wally, he can help with Percy. He's a speedster too." Dick explained
My eyes widened as big as those googley eyes they make you use in kindergarten as Dick just casually told them my secret.
They all just nodded and introduced themselves, like what he said was just casual
"Wally meet the bat family."Again with the surprises!
They each said it was kind of creepy how much they looked alike. All with black hair and a tan peach skin tone.
A quiet groan was heard from behind them and we turned to Percy, I look at him and saw mezemerizing sea-green orbs looking back at me, they were murky, dry and red though.
"Let's get some food in you." I muttered, but I'm sure everyone heard it.
I sped over to the kitchen and made a big platter of chicken nuggets - cause why not - for the little dude, and came back to see he was sat up smack dab in the middle of a  blanket nest on the floor, curled up next to the fire place where Jason was lighting it.
I smiled to myself and nudged him softly to wake up.
He must have been tired, me and Dick where talking last night how he missed dinner and he was in a coma. They probably only fed him so much for a non-super, that must be why he was so skinny, and tired, he didn't have enough food in his system, his body was shutting down.
I sit him up in my lap, to get him at least awake enough to chew, and place the warm chicken nugget softly in his mouth, then let him eat. I instinctively pull Percy closer to me, wrapping my arms around him, safely as I rest his head on my chest.
"Shh shh, your safe, your safe, calm down, nothing bad is around you, it's just a dream." I whisper while rocking him back and forth.
He snuggles closer for a few moments before his eyes flutter open. It isn't until now that I realize that i was holding his hand. I pretend to be asleep as loll my head to the side.
I knew any moment he's gonna push me away in disgust and repulsion, that's  how some of my friends were at first, since they weren't used to it.
I hear him shuffling, then feel a soft nudge on my side. Acting like I was asleep , I groan before sitting up.
"Oh shoot, I fell asleep." I slur  trying to sound groggy
"Who are you?" He asks
"Oh, well I'm the guy you crashed into, don't worry the guys are fine about your powers, they were just shocked and confused. I'm one too by the way."
He gave me a clueless look at the last part before muttering - speedster
I nodded before taking his hand to the kitchen. I smirked as I saw a crimson blush blossom on his pale cheeks
"So, since your a speedster your body needs more food, you now need at least 10,000 calories a day. I fed you when you were in a not so conscious state, so your good for now, till morning. Bright side is that you also heal faster." I explain as I get the ice cream out. I lead him to the movie room and put in a random movie, before sitting down on the couch with him, and handing him a spoon. We were having my favorite flavor, blue monster (Actual flavor, it's by blue bell, and its blue) I see Percy's eyes light up as he scoots closer towards me, and leans his head on my shoulder. He takes a big chunk of ice cream getting cookie dough in the process, before shoving the whole thing in his mouth. I smile and watch as the movie starts.

" a single day nsd night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea."
-Plato, 360 B.C

Grey futuristic Ships fly by as a man in a warriors gear yells to the man bellow him "you fool!"


Bonus to whoever guess the movie,
I watched it and typed in the first minute.
So I will be updating on Fridays or Saturdays, occasionally Sundays if needed.
I will take suggestions to input into it, or requests, I do need an OC to ship with one of the bat boys so I will put in a form below, please have it all in one comment. I will take OC, to just kind of 'Guest Star' in it whenever like as an extra. Just something for fun if you want to contribute to the story.

how/why they met-optional:
Physical Descriptions:
Small bio:
Bat boy to ship with:

Maria Reynolds
Cousin of Artemis
Likes:Ice cream, McDonalds and bracelets
Dislikes: Confrontation
Physical Description: Strawberry blond, with green eyes
Usually wears a simple t-shirt with a hoodie, jeans and converse
Light make up (mascara and a thin layer foundation, lip gloss)
Has a Step dad, no mom, plays soccer and volley ball, is homeschooled, and works as an intern at Wayne enterprise

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