Next chapter 2

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Percy wants you to comment, right Percy?
Percy: Yeah! Comment and Wisegirl will have the inspiration to keep working
Percy: and stop procrastinating
Me: SORRY! I love fighting but I am dragged into reading sometimes 😆😂

Percy was happy with Nico, happier than when he was with Wally even. Even though he regretted it,
Nico isn't the one who locked him up. So as he laughed with him and walked along the path.l, he smiled. But all came a little more tense when Nico brought up a question.

"Wanna spend the rest of the summer with me?"
Nico's eyes widened " I mean at a camp I go to, you can meet my friends, there's the ocean too! I really think you'd like it-"sure." Percy cut off his rambling as they both where a flushed, stuttering mess

"I'll ask uncle bruce, he can register me and Alfred can drive me. I just gotta pack for a few weeks, and we'll be set."
The pair smiled at each other before Percy got out his new phone to call Alfred. He looked back at Nico when he noticed he looked panicked.

"You okay? I'm gonna call Alfred to pick us up, then take us to camp." Percy smiled before dialing the number.


"Master Jackson, how may I help you?" Alfred's British accent thick in his voice through the call.

"Can you pick me and my friend up from the town square? Please?"

"Of course." He call ended as Percy dialed another number.


It rang once
Then twice
A third
Hey this is the Wallster please leave a message at the tone!

'Hmm? That's strange, but I guess he can't come with us then' Percy thought at they waited for the limo.

When the sleek black limo pulled up to he manor the boys got out as Percy sprinted towards the door, ready to beg Bruce.

"Dad!- um Bruce!" The boy ran up to Bruce's study and knocked on the door before opening it.

"Yes Percy?" Bruce inquired looking up from his paper work

"Well, um, so... Can I go to this summer camp, it's overnight and I thought I could make some friends and -" "Okay" Bruce made a few arrangements then
Pero was off too camp

Sorry it's Short AF, trying to finish it good and reasonably fast - fast as in not letting it sit here for a few weeks torturing you guys by dragging on for the next chapter, I'll make sure the next one is longer
( I'm traveling a lot so chapters may be shorter than what I want, but I swear they will come out faster that way )


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