The next chapter

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Need ideas on how to end the book please, thank you.

Percy was having Wally train him with his powers, his blue lighting following him as he ran. That is until the intercom came up.

{All Young Justice Members, please report to the mission debriefing room in 10 minutes, a threat has been notified.}

Percy screeched to a stop, falling at Wally's feet.
"Come on, I wanna help!" Percy grinned with excitement in his eyes. But Wally had a different idea when it came to Percy and missions.

"No way, Jose am I letting you on a mission! Not gonna happen, your staying here, where it's safe." He ordered

"I am too going! Not like you can stop me anyway!" Percy sped off, racing to the room, but not being properly trained, fell as Wally caught him.

"Yeah, nope." So Wally dragged him to his room, and locked him in.
Satisfied Wally went off to the mission room.

*time skip-de-do*

"Your mission is to find Nico Di'angelo, and his motive with these...creatures." Batman said
As the video showed Nico speaking with a grotesque man with rotting skin, and bloody torn body, the eyes were practically going to fall out. The creature nodded to the son of hades before limping of into the night.
(Shia labeouf... lurking in the shadows- eating all the bodies. actual cannibal Shia labeouf, lol)

The team nodded before boarding the ship to locate their target.

"So Robin, what's your relationship with Percy? He your brother or something?" Artemis asked

"Lay off, he's not a threat if that's what your wondering about." Robin snapped, crossing his arms before going back to his computer.

"Guys! I found him, Deer Fields Forest, sending the coordinates!"
M'gann began furiously typing and control the ship, her fingers flying so fast she might as well have shape-shifted to have more. Her long hair now in a pony tail, swished as she flew. Her teammates getting knocked back into their seats

"Let's get him guys!" She said with a bright smile. Some smile back at her enthusiasm, but it's still a mission so they need to focus.

Robin signaled for Conner and M'gann to go right, Wally to go left, and Him with Artemis in the tree tops.

Everyone here?

Wallyster has arrived

Ew, stop that. My bow is ready for fire.

Don't shoot him yet, maybe he'll come peacefully?

Or we could attack him and I could crush him with my super strength.

(First M'gann, than Wally, then Artemis, then Robin, last Conner)

With a signal they all started closing in on where Nico was. The shaggy haired boy was in a this hoodie, a skull T-shirt and some baggy jeans, complemented with converse .

"What do you want?" His voice was Mono-tonic and bored

"The Justice league believes that you could be a threat or Ally, we need to see where you stand on the playing field." Robin announced

"Ah, so chess is your game huh?" Nico inquired "then think of me as the Queen, I have passed being a silly little pawn, unlike you, and I now rule my own actions." With a smirk, he disappeared within the shadows. It's like he melted Into wisps.

The team stood, confused and frightened, this new comer was certainly someone that could be a friend as easily a foe, if they didn't use their pieces right.

When the team got back, let's just say Batman was less than pleased. They filed their report of the mission, then headed to training. As punishment for their epic fail, Black Canary pushed them to their limit. Running and sparring, lifting and pushing. They practiced their kicks and blows, stands and blocks. Worked them still every bone in their body would have snapped if they moved another inch.
Most of the members, headed straight for the showers, practically drowning in their own sweat and dirt.
Wally let the cold water soothe his aching muscles, and wash away the stress, grateful for his rapid cell regeneration, so all the ache would be gone by the next night.
He went back to his room as soon a possible after the shower he headed straight to his room to get Percy, wanting to snuggle and change.

But Percy wasn't there.

Ignoring all thoughts, he sped off into his suit and out the mountain, heading for anywhere he might be, first the city, through every street, and store, then to Gotham, hoping he wasn't in trouble beat up in an ally way. Wally ran, his quick feet carrying him to the Wayne Manor, searching the place top to bottom before asking bruce.

Slowly approaching him he asked
"Mr.Wayne, um, d-do you know where, uh, Percy is?" Wally was a nervous reck, trying to find his... trying to find Percy

"Well of course, he said he was going to town square with some friend." Bruce told him, then went back to his paperwork
A bright grin danced upon Wally's lips and a rose color upon his cheeks as he raced back to the town. But soon his smile went into a wisp, and his cheeks pale, as tears formed in his eyes.

Percy Jackson was laughing with the one and only Nico Di'angelo. With Nico's arms around Percy, they were walking, sharing a two scoop ice cream.

Wally and Percy have never shared food before, Percy barley let Wally get close enough for him to put his arm around him, willingly and in full consciousness at least.

As the tears rolled down his cheeks, Wally slowly walked back to the tower, and sunk into his sheets, as he soaked them, and curled up, trying to contain his bottled up emotions.

Sorry not Sorry

Thank you everyone who wanted me to continue! I didn't know I had so many supporters of this book and to say the least am so grateful for them.


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