Chapter 9

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Percy woke up, warm and cozy in a bundle of blankets. He snuggled his head into the pillows, curling his body up, causing the blanket to drop, him being half asleep - he screeched at its loss until someone placed it back on him.

A little while later he actually woke up, and smacked his mouth to regain moisture, and not have a desert like throat. He lazily got up, his eyes still droopy as he just wondered around, until Conner found him and scooped him up as he went to the kitchen. He sat Percy down next to Wally.

"Here's your boyfriend." Conner said before getting his pancakes M'gann made.

"Dude what the heck! Besides he's not my boyfriend!" Wally retires but right after a certain boy mumbled ' Said no one ever.' Then resting his head in the crook of Wally's neck.
Out of nowhere he jerked up and fell out of his seat, then super sped to the other side of the room.

"Gah! Where am I? Who are you? Damn it, Bruce is gonna be so mad!" He panicked

"Chill, your guardian knows your safe and here, we are the young justice, the mini Justice League." Robin supplied, that reassured him as the panic left his eyes, and it got replaced with confusion.
"What's the Justice League?" He seemed generally confused as the team tried explaining what it was, but it failed miserably the more they tried, so they just gave up.

"So when am I going home?" Percy twiddled his thumbs as he looked down rocking between his feet and heels, his black hair falling into his sparkling eyes.Wally just smirked and sped him to the Zeta-tubes before he could protest he was shot back to the Wayne house.

Bruce was surprised when he saw Percy in the garden, so he thought he'd investigate, maybe the boy could find his niche or something other than roam the grounds.

"Hey Perce! What about I take you somewhere, you know, outside of the mansion. You can't wander here your whole life." He chuckled

"Only 3 years or so, I did the math." Percy remarked plucking the petals off the flowers
As Bruce walked up towards him he knelt down so he could face Percy, one on one level.

"Kid, you gotta get out, into the world. C'mon, what do you like?"

"Umm, I don't know, I'm listening to one of the old poetry books in the library, I guess." Percy glanced up at Bruce, trying to help the older man help him.
  Nodding, Bruce left he garden leaving Percy to his own thoughts.

Line break

Percy was wondering his room, back and forth, restless and bored, yet not wanting to do anything.
He picked up a journal from the desk and tried to make his own piece of writing. With emotions lacing the words, closing his eyes, imagining what meaning each moment meant, how it would be said, the emotion and thoughts.

'You drown yourself in a deep abyss
No hand to hold onto, or life vest
I'm trying to reach out, but they won't let me dive in."
Percy's hand stopped as he wrote. He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued it, trying to push down his emotions.
' But, falling with you is better than living like this, cause the thoughts roar and the earth pounds.'
He kept going, his pencil pushing down on the paper so hard it would have teased if not for the desk underneath it.
'Your hell is worse, where words are the fire, and tears are the water but the oil! The pain you feel, is like acid down your throat, burning until you choke, as the push you into an ocean, where you can't swim. Cause the current pulls you down, each time the next wave making the last look like a balloon hitting you.'
Percy's hand was shaking, his eyes were glassy? He didn't know where all of his was coming from besides the pit deep down in his stomach, faded images in his brain, of terrors he wasn't sure he wanted to remember.
' And all I can do is watch while you suffer, because that's my hell."
He dropped the pencil, and pushed his chair away from the desk as it rolled hitting the wall. Raking his hands through the wavy locks that towered over his head, he left in a sweat, needing to cool off, he called Wally.

Le time skip
300 more words!

Wally POV

Wally was at the Young Justice Mountain, making a huge ice cream Sunday when his phone blasted through the almost empty halls of the base.

Ring ring!
Ring ring!

Zooming over, Wally picked it up and put it on speaker.
"Hello? Wally speaking!" To his surprise it was his favorite voice.
"Hey, un Wally? You wanna, you know - hang out?"
Percy sounded nervous when speaking, but Wally grinned and sped out to his room, speed changed and came back in.
"Be there in 5 seconds!" He ice cream disregarded, went past the beta tubes and just went through the land, and screeched to a stop right I front of the Wayne Manner.

A few moments later, a young boy, with curly black locks stepped out and smiled towards Wally.
They both linked their arms, and headed off towards town square.

Wandering around, looking for about and hour or so, the boys stopped at an ice cream parlor.


The door swung close as the worker there looked up from his magazine.
"Can I help you?" Percy rushes over towards the ice cream, smushing his face against the glass, his eyes scanning for the perfect one.
Wally laughed and ordered a sundae by instead of vanilla ice cream, he wanted whatever flavour Percy got.
That's how they ended their day, in a booth eating a blue Sunday, with Linda if food die, as they laughed at how each other's mouths looked like smurfs exploded inside them. As they walked home, Percy suggested they watch a smurf marathon, once they get back to the manor.


End of chapter 9, thank you for reading and I could really use suggestions! I might have Percy join the team to jump start my creativity, cause I have been having major writers block. So I made this chapter a fluff chapter, and I will add more dialogue in the nextone cause this one was more description and 3rd POV, but the next one will be better, I promise.

And follow messthetique , she is writing a book, it's good so far , but encouraging and helping her would be amazing cause it's her first book and is exited but nervousness about it, and anyone who has posted anything in wattpad for the first time knows exactly what's it's like to feel a bit anxious cause it's to actual viewers or confused cause you have all these great ideas stuck in your head, but you don't know how to actually plan and write the story.

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