Chapter 16

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Kongpob POV

It was 7 in the morning. I woke up with a start. It's weekend. Although I would love to sleep in, I need to head to my parents' as I had promised them. It's been almost a month since I last visited them. Given that today is a weekend with some free time, I should visit them and return back by evening. I lazily walked to the washroom. After taking a bath, I dressed up in a neat dress shirt and formal pants. I grabbed my wallet and the snacks that I had bought for them the day before and headed to the door.

My family is a small family which consists of my twin sisters P'Rose and P'Liz , my mother, father and me. I am the youngest and most pampered out of the three of us. I love them a bit too much. They mean  everything to me in this world. My father owns a large business empire and my mom owns her own boutique which is quite well known. My sisters are almost 10 years older than me. My first sister lives in America while my second sister lives in South Korea. They recently got married and I have have one nephew who is so adorable.

I took off on my bike l happily.
L I am surely gonna have a great day. I was smiling all my way. As soon as I reached the doorstep, the door was flung open revealing my beautiful mother smiling at me. Before I could took any step further, he wrapped her arms around me and whispered, "Welcome home, Kong".

I smiled at her warmly as soon as she pulled away from the hug. I walked further into the house, only to be met by my overly excited sisters wrapping their arms around me almost pushing me to the floor. I was surprised to see them here.

"Heyyyyyyyy!! How are you my dear baby brother??" They both shouted in a sing song manner.

I laughed at their antics and answered, "Great how are you guys doing?? It's incredible to see you guys here. Where is my little man P'Rose?

Just then a little figure peeped from behind, smiling shyly at me. I crouched to his level spreading my arms in the air. He ran with a big smile into my arms.

"How is my Nong Jay doing?"

He giggled and said with a smile, "I'm fantastic uncle Kong"

I giggled at his cuteness and carried him in my arms and walked to my dad. He, with a smile said, "Hope you you are doing great son."

I nodded and smiled at him.

We talked some more and played a lot. It's refreshing to spend some time with your family. I made a mental note to visit often. It was soon dinner time. I hogged everything that was on the table. My sisters couldn't stop laughing at me, for I looked like a messy kid trying to eat for the first time on my own.

When we were done eating, I went to pick up a few things from my room. I was expecting my room to be dusty for I hadn't opened it in a long while but surprisingly it was extremely neat. My room was filled with P'Arthit's posters and pictures. I have even made a time line of his childhood and his acting career. I could bet I knew more about him then he did. I smiled looking at each and every picture.

Maybe I should remove a few and take them to my dorm. So I did what I thought forgetting what I had come for.I started removing my favorite posters and folding them neatly in a newspaper. By the time I was done, it was already past 9 in the night. I quickly picked up all the posters and yes, necessary certificates, university had asked for internship.

I headed downstairs only to hear heavy discussion taking place. I went down. Suddenly P'Rose grabbed my shoulder and asked, "What is this Kong?"

I looked at her questioningly.

He showed her phone and my eyes widened. I grabbed her phone and took a closer look and realized that it was me.. And Mook?

I looked at my sister and back at the article in shock.

My dad cleared his throat and said with a stern face,"Kong, what is all this?"

I gulped down and didn't realize I was holding breath until now.

"I don't know dad"

He kept quite and suddenly P'Rose whispered, "Are you dating her Kong?"

I looked at her bewildered, "No. How would I even? I just happened to see her, that.... That's all."

I can't tell her about P'Arthit.
No, I can't, I shouldn't.

My dad finally spoke, "If that's all, I will try to get this article down soon and I will also contact the entertainment company regarding this but for now, just stay out of any attention because it won't be long before they find out you are my son. Alright?"

I nodded with relief.

My mom smiled and said with a gentle voice," Kong, Do you want to stay here or do you want to go back to your  dorm?"

I mused for a while and said,"It's okay Ma, I will go back for now. I have assignments piled up"

She looked at me with worry and  I smiled reassuringly at her before saying, "Thank you dad, I will try to stay out of trouble until this is solved"

I waid and headed to the door but before I could leave P'Liz clung onto my shoulder and said, "Can you ask her for Arthit's number?"

I looked at her with a comical expression and shook my head in disbelief. How can she think like this when her little brother is in so much trouble and who said I would let her have P'Arthit's number?

I said,"P'Liz, I said I have nothing to do with her"

She laughed at my expression and said,"Take care"

I took off on my bike and left to my dorm.

After some while it started to rain, so I  decided to stand by under a shop waiting for it stop. I looked around and finally at my phone. I forgot it was switched off for I didn't want any distractions when I am with my family.

I switched it on and there were 21 missed calls from P'Arthit and 20 line messages for him as well. I quickly called P'Arthit and he picked it up before the first ring could go.


Hastily I replied," I am fine P', My dad said he would take care of it. Don't worry and no one knows about me yet, so it's cool!"

He sighed in relief.

"Where are you right now Kong?"

"Oh P' it's raining yeah? So I am waiting under a shop waiting for it stop to raining so I could go home after it's stops."

"Can we meet now?"


"Why now P'? I am fine, don't worry"

"Not that, I want to ask you something"

"Oh... Where?"

"Which shop are you under right now?"

"All time Mart, P', a street away from the library"

"Okay wait I will be there is 10 minutes"

I hung up the call, waiting.

After few minutes he came drenching in the rain and hastily pulled my hand, dragging me to his car and shoved me in, closing the door.

After that he too got into the car and looked at for while  before leaning in towards my face.


Am I annoying you guys?
Before this I hated cliffhangers but right now I am extremely enjoying ending the chapter with cliffhangers.

So what do you guys think that Arthit did after leaning in?


Thanks for reading💖

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