Chapter 11

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Arthit POV

So I don't know what has gotten into me lately. I blurt stuffs unintentionally(maybe not?) without thinking. Well, the worst part is I don't regret doing so. It's seems like  the most natural thing to do.

Yes, meeting a Stanger in the library, falsely accuse him of being an actor, schedule another meeting with him, get annoyed seeing him with a girl, give out my number to a random dude that I met a day ago and text him late at night. Right. The most natural thing to do. This is so crazy. But you know what's crazier? Checking  your phone every now and then and keenly expecting a message from the dude like some teenager in love. And you know what's crazier than that? Thinking of ways to meet again for no reason at all.

Technically, we do have stuffs to talk about like I promised. The acting tips that I said I would give him for his non-existing acting career. But if he refuses and says that he is not one the who I  think he is then we won't have any reason to talk at all. Besides I don't even know if he would like my company. But wait, he did lie that he wanted to learn from me right? What did that mean then? Why would he lie? What will he get from lying like that? Does he have any other motives?

Come to think of it. Why would trick me anyways? It's not like he is going to get anything from tricking me, but if it is for his so called friend then...arghh I hate this. I mean I hate thinking too much, not him. Maybe I should confront him. Or maybe not. I want to know him more but I don't know why. Whatever it is, I will follow whatever my heart says. It not like my brain works amazingly anyways. Okay Arthit, you need to stop. You need to work and stop getting scolded by the director already.

Sigh, it was a long day. I need some rest. All these stress and over thinking that I did for past two days is finally catching up to me. I called P'Yui and said, "Mae, cancel my schedule for tomorrow na, I want to sleep my day away tomorrow". After a  lot of convincing and buttering, she let me off hook tomorrow for half the day. Being an actor is really difficult. I never get my own quality time. Guess I should go for a vacation by my own or something. Absent mindedly, I lazily drove my car to my apartment and hurried to my paradise, my bae, my bed. If anything, I am eternally grateful to my bed which is my first love.

No one can take its place. It's the most comfortable place for me. I shoved my shoes and dress away and dived right into my bed. Finally. Just when I was about to switch off the lights, my phone buzzed.

P'Arthit, have you slept already?

Did you eat your dinner P'? I heard you were not keeping well for a while?

Okay, so am I ever going to sleep like this? It's true that I have not been that well due to cold but... He seems concerned. So let's not leave him on read and reply.

Oh Kong! I am fine its just common cold. I will be fine in no time. Thanks for asking~

And no I did not have dinner yet...

Actually scrap that, I decided on skipping dinner tonight. I wanna sleep soon today so I thought...

I was waiting do his reply. After about 5 minutes, I got a message from him saying that

But P' you shouldn't be skipping dinner. It's bad for your health.

And it just still 8pm, you should eat and well... Sleep after that.

As expected, I thought. I chuckled at his replies.

Its okay na Kongpob, I will be okay for tonight. It's just today that I am extremely sleepy due to the medicines.

I promise I would not skip tomorrow.

Okay gtg bye~

I switched off my phone and once again a I turned to my night stand to switch off the light, my phone pinged once again indicating a message from Kongpob.

P' I thought I could ask you to have dinner with me tonight but it seems you are busy.

Well nevermind then. It's okay. Sleep tight P'

Good night.

WHAT? DINNER WITH HIM? I can't believe this!!And once again I lost all my rationality and replied with the first word that popped up in my head.

Sure, Wait for me near the library, I will be there in 10.


Lalalalalaa~ Wrote this in 20 minutes/
How did it go?

Thanks for reading💖

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