Chapter 27

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Kongpob POV

My eyeballs are about fall from my eyes anytime now, due to intense rolling of eyes, whenever that drama queen clings onto P'Arthit on every ride. Even Merry go round which is for kids... Like really?

Like seriously? I mean we haven't even started going on the major  rides and just imagine if we went on those humungous roller coasters... I wouldn't surprised if she insisted on sitting P's lap.

So much for pretending to be weak and scared.

And the worst part is P'Arthit keeps pacifying her as though she was a baby and coaxed her onto every other tiny rides, cause why? Because he wanted her get over her fear. Tell me..why I wove such a drama and made him come along with me? To watch them with folded arms, having fun together?

And the Worst-est part is-

"P''Arthit, I am scared!!! This Merry go round is so scary... What if I fall?"  I imitated Janeeyah in my head and P' Arthit's reply would be something like this:

"No stupid! You won't fall from the merry go round... Come on, P' is here~~ Such a Cutie she is.. Isn't she Kong?"

Ugh!! I know I am saying the same thing again and again but can't they walk 2 steps away from each other for goodness's sake....? Can't they see that they are blocking people's way? Literally, they are stuck to each other. Now how in the world was I to keep them away?

"Kongpob, Don't you think we should get some snacks and relax for a bit?" P'Arthit asked pulling me out of the trail of annoyance.

"Huh... Sure go ahead P'.. I am good!"

"What? No! You come along with me! Janeeyah, here says she is tired so I thought while she prefers to sit here, let's go eat and go to the roller coaster rides....they are the real fun!!" He exclaimed with happiness tinting his red cheeks. Something about him, is so alluring. He can captivate me in any given situation. Like right now, I was just drowning myself in the sea of Jealousy of God knows what few nano seconds back, but a little bit of attention from him made my stomach do somersaults in loop.

"Huh sure P'! But can we go on the rides first and then go get snacks?" I asked. People, though I wanted to be with him alone, I thoroughly enjoy amusement parks... So I would most definitely would want to try out every single ride out there with P'Arthit and without Janeeyah,of course. So before she decides on joining us again, I dragged P' further away by his hand from where she was sitting and merged in with the crowd.

I felt him tugging on my hand holding onto his tightly. I looked back to his red face and then alone did I realize I was holding his hand, consciously and I immediately let go of it before anyone sees us.

"erm... Sorry... About... I mean sorry for-" I uttered getting to nowhere.

But I was taken by surprise this time when he flung his hand on my shoulder while taking me towards, what looked like an ice cream shop. He stopped at the shop and gazed through the flavors before saying,
"Guess we will be going to the beverage shop then" he said, pouting slightly.

But before he could start dragging me to anywhere I stopped him and asked, "P' What is it that you want? Why aren't we going to the rides?"

"Aww come on, I wanna drink something before starting.." He said.

"Oh okay, come on then! I know a place.." I said.

And that's how we ended up in small cozy beverage stall. I was going to order iced coffee for both of us because I remember last time we had the same together but before I could say anything, he ordered," P', One Pink milk please, with extra sugar!And about you, Simba?"

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