6: Alberto's

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Aaron picked me up at 5:45 that Thursday evening. I couldn't believe we were actually going to do this. But there was no way I was going to tell him this is a lie. We're wasting money and time. 

"Hey, beautiful." Aaron says. 

I smiled. "Hey. You know, we don't have to go to Alberto's. Honestly, I'd be fine with staying in."

He chukles. "This was your idea. Why would you change your mind now?" 

I shrugged. "People can change their minds." 

He smiles and opened his passenger door for me. 

"Thanks." I said, and hop in.

I wasn't wearing the appropriate attire for this place. I knew it was fancy, so at least I'm not in sweats. But apparently a nice top and jeans is not right. You know in all the shows and movies how when a couple goes into a resturant it's 50x fancier than they anticipated? And everyone in the resturant is judging and whispering and disapproving? And you're thinking, "That wouldn't happen. It's just for laughs for the audience".

It's not just for laughs. 

That shit actually happens.

It was like Oscar the Grouch came hurtling in Bruce Wayne's mansion.

"Wow. This isn't terrifying." Aaron says through a smile.

"I know. Let's just find a spot to sit." We walk up to the waiter at the door.

"Do you have a reservation?" He asks. I'm surprised he wasn't French, but he had the mustache.

"...No." I say quietly. 

"We cannot guarantee a seat if you have no reservation."

I felt like we were in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I need someone like Cameron who can do voices so we can sneak in.

"There isn't anything you can do?" Aaron asks.

The waiter sighs. "I suppose you can have a booth..."

I smile. When I was a kid, I always wanted a booth. When we didn't get one, I'd be so upset. Now I don't care as much.

The waiter leads us through the resturant and to the back, where you can't see anybody unless you're down there with them.

"Thank you, sir." Aaron says.

The waiter leaves without smiling or even looking at us.

"Jeez. This is...wonderful." I said, kinda laughing. "I didn't make a reservation-" because I didn't know we were coming. "because I forgot. I hadn't been planning this for long."

Aaron shrugs. "It's fine. Seriously, with all those dirty looks, I'm alright with being back here."

I was so glad he said that. It was exaclty how I was feeling.

"So is there any reason why we're here?" Aaron asks.

I shrug a little. "No. Not really. Just for fun." I respond with a smile.

He smiles back. "Well it's nice, just unexpected."

We ended up ordering the same thing. We didn't want to seem cheap, so we bought the second cheapest thing. The mushroom soup. It wasn't bad considering I hate mushrooms.

"That was fun. Thank you for that." Aaron says.

"No problem. And paying for our own meals was a good idea." I said. "I hate letting you pay."

"And I hate letting you pay." he says.

I chuckled. "Homecoming tomorrow night. Are you excited?"

"The most excited I've ever been for a stupid school dance."

"They're not stupid."

"They are."

"Ok, they are. But you should be glad for this. You'll see me in a dress that'll blow everyone's out of the water."

He smiles. "I can't wait to see you in it."

I smile in return. "I can't wait to see you seeing me in it."

We laugh in perfect unison. The thought of Percy telling me I could do better crept in my mind. How could anyone treat me better? Percy needs to stop acting like a Shawn Mendes song and leave me alone.

Aaron is the only one I would want to be with for eternity.

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