13: Trouble

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Thank god that was Friday. I didn't speak to anyone after lunch, and when my friends tried to call me over the weekend, I ignored them.

I wasn't mad at Percy. I wasn't mad at all. I just don't know how to go about my business after that.

Monday rolled around and I was right where I was dreading going back to.

Everything was going as good as it could be until fourth period.

I'm walking to class when Percy and Aaron each come into the hall at the same time.

"There you are, you son of a bitch!" Aaron says and punches Percy in the nose.

"Aaron! Stop!" I call, trying to pry Aaron off him.

He's still punching him, throwing him against the lockers and on the ground.

"Aaron! Please! Stop!" I yelled.

He finally stops and looked to me. "He told the whole cafeteria he loves you. He danced with you at Homecoming. He took you to a concert. He kissed you!" He says angrily.

"How did you know about that?" I ask in a small, shaky voice.

"Bree. She showed me a video of lunch on Friday. A picture at Homecoming. And she overheard you talking with Maria and Jakob about the concert and the kiss." Aaron looks exhausted from listing all the things Percy and I did.

I look to Percy, who's sitting against the lockers, trying to stop his nose from bleeding. He was already getting a black eye.

"Lexi, what else has been going on behind my back?" He barely whispers it.

I look up at his eyes. They show anger and sadness at the same time.

"Nothing. He-he was just being nice. With the tickets and Homecoming."

"He wrote you that love letter?" It was more a statement.

I nodded.

"Lexi...I need to know."

I didn't like this.

"Did you kiss him back?"

Oh god! Oh no! I'm trapped! I'm done! I'm dead!

"Lexi, when he kissed you, did you push him away? Or..." he fades.

What do I say? Do I lie? Then Percy would be upset. Who cares about Percy?! Aaron's my boyfriend! But if I lie, it'll eat me up.

On the other hand, if I tell the truth, I lose my boyfriend and there's no way I'd be able to still be friends with Percy after that.

"Lexi." Aaron's voice pulls me back.

He's waiting for an answer. I'm wasting too much time.

"...Yes." I say as quietly as I could.

Aaron takes a step back. His face is full of anger. I thought he was going to punch the wall or something.

"No." Percy said, and I jump at the sudden sound of his strained voice. "It was all me. She didn't even want to kiss me."

Aaron glares at Percy with a fiery hatred.

"No, Percy." I said, then turn back to Aaron. "It's true, he kissed me. But I didn't do anything to stop it. Then when he realized what he'd done....I pulled him back." I admit. It felt so good to get that off my chest! I felt free! Like a bird in the wind!

Then I saw Aaron's face, so full of hatred, anger, and yes, betrayal. It was like he grabbed a shotgun and shot me down.

"I can't believe this!" Aaron said.

"Aaron, I'm sorry!" I say, tearing up.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" He snaps. "Quit the tears, they won't help."

I can't quit, they're just coming out.

"Why would you do this to me?"

"I didn't mean to! I love you, Aaron! Only you! It's only ever been you!"

Aaron shakes his head. "Stop the bullshit!"

My tears have blurred my vision so much, I almost don't see the kid walking down the hall, gawking at us.

"Aaron..." Percy says.

Aaron snaps his head to him.

"She loves you. She does. She didn't mean to do this. It's my fault. I should've just kept my mouth shut." Percy said.

My heart sank. I didn't even know why. Was Percy giving up? Do I care? Is Aaron going to change his mind? Will he ever forgive me?

Aaron doesn't respond. He just gives us both a death glare, then walks to class.

I slowly walk over to Percy and sit next to him.

"I'm so sorry...this is my fault." He says.

"Are you ok?" I ask. His nose and lip were bleeding, and his eye was definitely turning black.

"I'm fine." He sighs a shaky breath. "I've ruined your life, haven't I?" He asks.

I don't answer. I didn't know what to say.

Then I start to cry. It all just comes spilling out at once. I thought I slowed down from earlier, but it came back.

"Lexi..." Percy almost puts an arm around me, but stops himself.

"What am I going to do now?" I blubber.

"It'll be ok." I'm surprised he understood what I said.

"We were gonna go to prom together!"

Percy doesn't respond at first. "I'm sorry." he whispers.

I continue sobbing into my hands as I hear an announcement saying for Aaron to go to the principal's office. They must've caught the whole thing on camera.

Percy gets up and dusts off his jeans. "I better go to the nurse." I nod. "Hey," I look back up to him. "Everything will work out." he said, then limps to the nurse.

This was only Monday.

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