12: Announcing It

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Thursday felt like a ditch day. Like an excuse to not see Aaron. I couldn't possibly face him after what went down last night.

Damn that rain for making me look irresistible!

So when it was time to go back to school on Friday, I walked around very gingerly, but it turned out Aaron wasn't even at school.

Usually I'm miserable when Aaron misses school, but today, I was thankful.

I was getting through the day ok. Nobody needed to know, and nobody was going to know. This would stay between Percy and I. I won't even tell Maria and Jakob, my two most trusted friends. I didn't think they would tell anybody, I just can't run the risk of telling someone, and someone else overhearing.

And later that day, I ran into the inevitable.

"Hey, Lexi, I'm sorry for... Wednesday after the concert. I never meant to... I was never actually going to..." Percy struggles for the right words.

I shake my head. "No, I'm sorry. I could've pushed you away. I could've stopped it. It's all on me."

"It wasn't you-"

"Ok, we could do this all day." I sigh. "What are we going to do? If Aaron finds out-"

"He's not going to find out."

"He'd murder you." I say.

"I know. Haven't we been over this?"

"Yeah, but that was just for saying you love me. For kissing me?" I put my hands on my hips. "The police would never find your body."

"I'm not the only one to blame, here. You kissed me back. And started the second one." Percy said.

"I know. That's why I said it's all on me. I'm just saying Aaron wouldn't care who's to blame. We'd both be dead in seconds."

"I don't think Aaron would be mad at you." Percy said.


"Yeah. If he really loves you, he won't be mad."

"Then what would he feel? Happy?" I scoffed.

"He'd feel sad. Maybe a bit betrayed."

"Betrayed? No, that's worse than mad!" I said. Percy smiles at me. "What?"

"You're just...really cute when you're freaking out."

I roll my eyes. "You're unbelievable." I say, then march into the cafeteria.

He follows me in. "So since Aaron isn't here, can I sit with you?"

I stop so abruptly, he runs into me. "...I guess so..." I say, unsure.

"Cool." He follows me to our usual spot and sits in Aaron's seat.

"Hi, Percy." Jakob greets him.

Percy nods in hello. Maria sits down with her lunch.

"Percy! Good to see you." She said.

The three of us exchange glances before Percy notices. "What?" he asks.

"It's just...weird. You being nice." Maria tells him.

"Yeah, especially to Lexi and I. We're used to you picking on us and stuff." Jakob said carefully.

Percy looks between Jakob and I. "Right. I'm sorry, both of you. I didn't really mean anything I said." He says more to Jakob.

Jakob clearly doesn't know what to say.

"Are you two trying to get in trouble?" Bree's voice comes from beside our table. "Aaron's gone for one day and suddenly Percy can sit with you?"

"Piss off, Bree." Percy says.

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