16: My Happily Ever After

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I was a woman on a mission as I searched for him.

I didn't need to go far. He was in the cafeteria, waiting for the first bell to ring.

I march straight up to him, and kiss him on the lips.

"What was that?" Percy asks with a smile.

"That was me realizing you've been the right one for me all along." I smiled back.

"Can I be honest?" Percy asks. "I thought you were coming to slap me."

I laugh. His black eye was beginning to fade, but it was still there. "I wouldn't want to cause you any harm."

He smirked. "Where is this coming from?"

"I talked to Aaron. He made it abundantly clear which one of you cares more about me." I said.
"Does he know...?" Percy fades as he looks to the door and sees Aaron.

My heart beat quickens. "Aaron..." I thought he was gonna throw more punches.

Instead, he does nothing, and turns and leaves.

I turn back to Percy, and kiss him harder than ever.

Six months later....

Prom finally rolled around, and I was so excited.

I had a beautiful dress, better than my Homecoming one from September.

Now it was March, and short sleeves were in. My dress was straight red, and the sleeves went down to the crook in my arms. My shoes were, of course, flats, that were white with silver sparkles littered on them.

And as I walked in, there he was.

He was in a real tuxedo, no leather this time. His hair was slicked back, except one little strand that hung down in front. His tie matched the color of my dress.

"God, you're gorgeous." He said.

"Not too bad yourself." I take in his look.

He grabs me in his arms and we begin dancing, despite the fast paced song. I rest my head on his shoulder, and spot all my friends.
Jakob and Eddie are dancing, too. They stop for a kiss, then continue. I smiled.

Jimmy and Maria are dancing to the actual speed of the song. Jimmy dips Maria, then brings her back up. She smiles at him, and they continue dancing.

I look back up at Percy. "I love you." I said.

He smiles, taken aback. "You already know I love you."

It didn't feel weird. I had gotten used to it only about a week into our relationship.

I put my head against his other shoulder and spot Aaron standing along the wall. He was dating a girl named Jenna James, but I think they broke up.

"I'll be right back." I said, then pull away from Percy.

"Don't be too long."

"Hey." I say to Aaron.

He smiles. "Hi."

"How have you been?" I hadn't talked to him since I got with Percy.


I never stopped loving him. I still care about him, I just care more for Percy.

"No date?"

"No." He says.

"Don't worry. I'm sure someone will be along shortly."

Aaron smiles out of one corner of his mouth. "This is weird. Us not being together?"

"It's been six months."

"Is that all?"

I didn't know what to say now. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't know..."

Aaron laughs. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too."

"Probably not the same way."

I shake my head. "Just because we're broken up doesn't mean we can't be friends." I smile.

Aaron smiled back. "I'd like that. Would Percy be ok with that?"

I nodded. "He'd be fine with it."

Aaron looks deep in my eyes. "I'm the sorry one."

I don't know how to respond. "I'll talk to you later?" I suggest.

Aaron nodded. "Later."

I turn and walk back to Percy.

"You're not getting back together with him, are you?"

I laugh, then kiss him. "Does that answer your question?"

"Not quite." He kisses me longer. "Ok, it's a little clearer."

I smiled. "I only told him we can still be friends."

Percy nods. "That sounds nice. I think I'll go talk to him."

"Good idea. Start the truce." Percy laughs.

Jakob and Maria walk up to me.

"So?" Jakob asks.

"So what?" I ask, still watching.

Maria laughs. "You and Percy! You two are, like, the cutest couple here!"

"Yeah, is it great? How do you feel?" Jakob asked.

I look past my friends and to my boyfriend and my ex talking and laughing their heads off.

"I feel like a queen."

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