9: Offerings Of Affection

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Tuesday. Only the second day of this week long hell.

I wasn't sure if Bree would be true to her word. What if she just wanted a date with Percy, but will still show Aaron? Or what if Percy was rude and upset her? She would definitely do it then.

The only thing I could do was tell Aaron the truth.

But what if she won't show him the picture? I would've told Aaron for nothing. If she doesn't show him, then it's best not to tell him.

But I could get it off my chest....

Would he be mad? Hurt? Sad? I don't want him to feel anything but happiness, and I'm pretty sure this will not bring him happiness.

I try to push the thoughts out of my head as I get ready for first hour. I open my locker and flowers sit perfectly on top of my books.

I frown. Why would Aaron do this? There's no special occasion.

I grab them and read the card.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl


"Do you like them?" I jump at the sound of Percy's voice behind me.

"Percy! Flowers?! What are you doing?!" I said.

"Showing you I'm better than that dud you're dating."

I glare at him. "Aaron's not a dud. He's wonderful."

"Whatever. I went on the worst, most uncomfortable date for you." Percy leans against the locker next to mine.

"Please tell me you showed her a nice time."

"We did...well, I think she did. I went through hell so your boyfriend wouldn't find out about something that means...nothing." That last word seemed hard for him to say.

I drop my eyes from his, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Well...thank you for doing that." I said, and wait for him to leave. When he didn't, I frown. "Was there something else?"

He shrugs. "Not much. I just thought you'd like these." He hands me a box of chocolates.

I can't help but smile a little. "Percy, Aaron is going to kill you without even seeing that picture."

He smiled a little. "Maybe. But it'll be worth it."

I roll my eyes and sigh. This guy is giving me everything. If he weren't a total jerk to me my whole life, I might even be falling for him.


"So...who's the flowers and chocolates from?" Maria asks.

"Who do you think?" I said, flopping them down on my desk when I got to class.

"Aaron still doesn't know anything?" Jakob asks.

I shake my head. "Should I just tell him what went down? Get it off my chest? That way it won't seem so bad if Bree were to show it to him."

"It's your call. But if I were you, I would tell him ASAP." Maria said.
I get out my books and suddenly remember my friends have lives, too. "Oh my gosh! So enough about me! Maria?! You and Jimmy?! How's that going?" I ask.
She smiles. "Really well. He treats me like a queen."

As soon as she says that, my mood goes down again.

"Aaron treats me like a princess." I had said.

"Then I'd treat you like a queen." Percy responded.

"Lexi? You with me?"

"Yeah. Sorry. You were saying?"

"Jimmy and I have plans to go on a double date with Jakob and Eddie." She says.

I turn to Jakob. "Awww!" I said.

"We were wondering if you and Aaron would like to come?" Jakob asks.

"Oh, guys, that sounds awesome, but I'm not sure-"

"Well, we kinda already made the reservation for six, so..." Maria smiled.

"Alright, we'll come." I said.

"Yay!" says Jakob.

They were both so happy. I didn't know why I wasn't, though. I guess I was just worried, is all.

After school, I got the information about where and when we're going out. It was at The Little Diner at 7:00.

Just as I was about to head out the door, someone stops me.

"Lexi, wait up!" they call.

I turn, and see Percy.

I roll my eyes. "You again? What this time?" I ask in an irritable tone.

"You like Doves and Angels, right?" he asks.

I smirk. "They're only my favorite band." I said.

"Good. Here's two tickets." he says simply, and hands them to me.

I gasp and take them. "What the-?! How did you- Where did you-?! What?!" I couldn't say anything.

"I remembered you saying you liked them. So here you go." Percy said, laughing at my reaction.

"Percy, what the hell is this?! You need to stop! It was one thing with the flowers and chocolates, but concert tickets?"

"The second ticket can be for whoever you like." he completely ignored me.

"I can't believe you did this. I just-" I can't even finish.

"Just have fun, ok?" he says, then walks away.

What is with this guy?!

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