14: Tuesday

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Aaron was suspended for the rest of the week.


He punches someone and gets to avoid everyone for the rest of the week.

"How are you feeling?" Maria asks.

I shrug. "Not very good. I feel like...crap that was thrown up on and is now just sitting in the trash can, stinking up the whole house."

Maria makes a face. "Ew."

"I think Aaron's being a bit overdramatic. But the again, I see where he's coming from." Jakob says.

I stare at him.

"What? I see both sides! It wasn't your fault. Or Percy's."

"That's where you're wrong. It was completely Percy's fault. He never should've said anything." Maria said.

"Well, I'm glad he did." I spoke up. "Cooping up your feelings for someone for 7 years isn't exactly paradise. I'm glad he got it out. I just wish that he would've just told me, then went about his business. Then I wouldn't have gotten all confused..."

I think hard on that last sentence.
Was I confused? Or was I just wanting something new? Someone new...

"At least you have the rest of this week to gather yourself before Aaron comes back." said Maria.

It's silent for a moment, until Percy comes over.

"I know I shouldn't be over here with you," he starts, sighing, "but I needed to check on you."

Jakob smiles at him as Maria rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine, Percy." I try to give him the brush off.

"Ok, well...I guess I'll leave..."

"Percy? How are you holding up?" Jakob asks.

I look up to glare at Jakob, but he ignores me.

"I'm as good as I could ever be, I guess." Percy seems relieved someone asked him how he was.

"That's good." Jakob looks to me briefly. "Lexi..." he indicates it's my turn to talk.

I don't know what he wants me to say. Percy was right, he shouldn't be over here. But I felt weird to suddenly start acting coldly towards him...

"I just wish all this would go back to normal. I'm with Aaron, you're annoying me in class..." Apparently I said the wrong thing. Jakob looks at me like I told someone to go f themself.

Percy nodded, obviously hurt by my statement. I guess I had just said I wish he never told me about his feelings, which completely contradicts my earlier argument.

I guess I really am confused.

"Percy..." I'm still not sure what to say. "I'm sorry." I leave it at that. My hope is that he'll just leave me be and Aaron will come back, having already forgiven me. Then we'd get back together and everything would be great.

Only problem was that it looked like Percy was here to stay.

"I wish there was something I could do to help." Percy said.

I thought of some things, but didn't say anything.

"I know something I could do." Maria said, eyeballing Bree.

"God, Maria, no!" Jakob begs.

"God, Maria, yes!" I laugh.

Percy looks over his shoulder at Bree, then ahead to the lunch supervisors. "All clear, if you want to."

Maria doesn't even hesitate. I honestly had no clue what she was thinking about doing, but let's think. We have spaghetti and meatballs. Chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes was another option. Maria could do some serious damage with either.

She gets off her chair, taking her tray with her. She had the spaghetti. Nice choice.

I don't want to watch, but at the same time I so do!

Maria says something, then dumps the spaghetti on top of Bree's head. After Bree let out a horrible, high pitched scream, Maria drops the plate on the table and runs back over to us.

The adults didn't even see her.

I laugh so hard, I can't breathe. I hadn't felt this great in a while. "Thanks, Maria! I needed that!"

Bree marches out of the cafeteria, her squad following her as they give us all dirty looks.
Percy starts laughing after they leave. "I should've done that when I had to take her on that date!"

I stop laughing.

Right, he took Bree out so she wouldn't show Aaron that picture of us. Bree. That's saying something.

"You ok?" Jakob notices me in deep thought.

I nod. "I'm great." I lie.

I didn't know what I was, but great wasn't it.

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