10: The Little Diner

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"Is Aaron flaking on you again?" Maria asks when it's 7:10, and he's the only one not here.

"No, he's not. He said his grandma made an unexpected visit, and won't go away." I chuckle a little. "Grandma Nina is like that."

"Can we please order? I'm pretty sure the people in China can hear my stomach growling." Jakob says.

"Everyone just relax. Aaron will be here." I was sure of it.

"It just seems weird that all these things keep coming up with his family on the exact days you two are supposed to be together." Maria says.

"Hey, it's not his fault. He's not ditching, things just keep popping up." I snap.

It's silent for a while until Eddie breaks the tension.

"Here's Aaron now." He says, gesturing to the door.

"I'm sorry I'm late, guys. My grandma doesn't know when to leave." Aaron says and opens a menu.

"It's alright. We wouldn't want you to shove your grandma out the door." I direct it more towards Maria.

"Right..." Aaron says, catching my tone. He looks from me to Maria. "Everything ok?"

We both nod.

"Peachy." Maria says.

"Are you sure? Usually when people say peachy, it's not actually fine." Aaron said.

"No, it's fine." She says.

Jimmy looks around at all of us. "Let's order." he says.

"Sounds great." Jakob said.

Maria and I both calmed down and weren't mad at each other midway through eating. It was a nice time until something else popped up. Or rather someone.


Crap. I knew that voice, I didn't even have to look up.

"Percy...hey." I say without much tone to my voice. But apparently Percy thought I wasn't enthusiastic enough. Aaron thought I was too enthusiastic.

"What's he doing here?" Aaron asks. He says 'he' like it's a disease.

I shrug. "I couldn't tell you." I look up at Percy, who was walking over to our table.

Great. Here we go. Aaron doesn't even know what Percy said to me a while back, but I feel like he knows.

"Hi, Percy." Jakob says. "How are you?"

Aaron shoots Jakob a look.

"I'm ok. How are you all? A triple date is it?" He smiles that stupid perfect smile.

"Yes. What are you doing here?" Maria asks, and eyes me in a weird way.

What was she trying to signal?

"I'm just eating out. This is my favorite place."

"On your own?" I couldn't help but blurt it out. I don't need to look at Aaron. I can feel his eyes burning through my skull.

"Do you want to join us?" Eddie asks.

"Oh, I don't want to intrude on your date." Percy said.

"Then you shouldn't've come over." Aaron mutters loud enough for Percy to hear.

I just about snapped at Aaron for being rude, but I figured if I did, he'd snap my neck.

"Right. I'm sorry. I'm finished anyway, I'll leave now." Percy eyes Aaron, then locks onto my eyes. "I'll see you later." He means to say it to everyone, but it ends up sounding like it's just to me.

"Bye." We all say in unison, except Aaron.

I watch Percy leave, and I think about the Doves and Angels tickets he gave me. It would be rude not to use them. But who would I take? Aaron doesn't like them, Jakob doesn't like to go to concerts, and Maria has already seen them. It would be weird to take Eddie or Jimmy. That just left...


Maybe I could sell them...

But with my luck, I'd get arrested, or Percy would find out and hate me forever. I don't want Percy to hate me forever.

Wait, what did I just say?!

Why do I care if Percy hates me? I've gone through my whole life thinking he did and feeling the same way about him.

What if he's lying? He truly hates me, and these tickets are stolen or something. He's trying to get me arrested!

Do you even hear yourself?! I ask myself.

This is ridiculous. Percy is making me feel like a crazy person. More than he usually does.

I think back to his sweet face as he gave me the tickets. How hurt he was just now when Aaron was being rude. How nice it was for him to swoop in and save the day at Homecoming.

Maybe I'm insane. That's all. I just need to refocus. Aaron is my boyfriend, he's all that matters to me. I love him.


Aaron. Aaron Jackson.

Wow. I thought. Should I really need this much convincing?

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