11: The Concert

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"So, Maria, what should I do?" I ask her over the phone. "The concert is in two hours, it takes half an hour to get there, and I have an extra ticket." A concert on a Wednesday. It was strange, but my mom was letting me stay home tomorrow.

"I think it's obvious who to take." She said.

"You said you didn't want to go."

"Not me. Percy."

I don't respond for a while. "I'm sorry, we must have a bad connection. It sounded like you said I should take Percy to the concert."

"He did get you the tickets. It would be nice."

"That sounds smart. Take the guy who's in love with me that my boyfriend hates to a concert. Sure, why not? Nothing could possibly go wrong."

"At least it's outside of our own school. Of course you'd get caught in there, but most likely not out of town." Maria says.

She had a point.

"What do I tell Aaron I'm doing?" I ask.

"Tell him the truth. Just say you're going with a friend from Summer Camp or something. Someone he wouldn't know."

I think for awhile. "That could work..." I roll my eyes. "This is crazy. I hate lying to Aaron."

"You're not lying, you're only changing a fact, that's not lying. It's just...being wrong."

I laugh a little. "Can't argue with that knowledge." I sigh. "Fine. Alright, I'll go with Percy."

"Yes!" She says, a little too excitedly. "Have fun!"

"I have to say I'm a little surprised you chose to go with me to this concert." Percy says as he drives to the concert a little later.

"Yeah...Maria set this up."

"Maria." Percy repeats. "I'll have to thank her when I see her next."

"Ha ha." I said.

By the time we got to the arena where the concert was being held, it was only twenty minutes until it was supposed to start.

"Are you excited?" Percy asks.

I nod. "I am. Thanks again for the tickets. Really, it's too much."

He shrugs. "Not to me. Not for you."

I stare at him, more confused than anything. This guy!

"What song is your favorite?" He asks.

I think. "Probably White Rose."

"Then let's hope they sing that tonight." Percy smiles.

I frown. What is with him?

The concert felt like it lasted two minutes. It was so much fun! And they did end up playing White Rose.

"Did you have a good time?" Percy asks.

I nodded. "I did. Thank you for this." I look at the time. 10:30. "Should we head home now? If you're too tired, let's just get a hotel."

"I'm not too tired. We can head back now." Percy says.

"Ok." I said. "But the second you feel sleepy, I'm driving."

Percy chuckles. "Alright."

As we approach my house, I have to ask.

"Percy?" I start, then falter.

"Yes?" he prods when I don't continue.

"Why are you doing this? The concert, flowers, chocolates, Homecoming? What's it all for?" We get out of the car and sit on the swing hanging from a tree in my yard.

He shrugs. His black hair was slicked to the side, and I realize for the first time that he has beautiful dark green eyes. "I just want you to be sure you're with the right person." He said.

I blink a few times and look down. His tattoo catches my eye. "What's your tattoo?" I asked.

I look at the colorful design in the middle of his forearm.

"It's a train." He pulls his sleeve up so I can have a better look.

I gaze over it carefully. It wasn't creepy or anything, like I expected it to be. It was actually pretty beautiful.

"Who's Marshall?" I ask after I notice the smoke from the train spelled Marshall.

Percy takes a minute to answer. "Marshall was my brother."

I look back up at him. "Was?"

Percy looks deep into my eyes. "Yeah. He died when he was 13, I was 15."

I didn't know what to say. "Percy... I'm so sorry."

"He loved trains. The second I turned 18, I got this tattoo. I think he would've liked it."

"What happened?" I felt awful asking, but Percy didn't seem upset that I did, though.

"He was allergic to peanuts. We went out to dinner...we didn't realize there were nuts in the brownies." He looks down. "We didn't make it to the hospital in time."

"I'm so sorry." I repeat.

"It was around Christmas. We were going to go home and watch his favorite Christmas movie, The Polar Express." Percy smiled briefly. "I swear he only watched it because of the train." His smile fades. "I haven't watched that movie since his death. It reminds me too much of him."

"That's so sad." I say.

"Well, we didn't come out here to talk about that." He gives me a quick smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He starts to leave.

"Percy, wait." I stop him. He looks back at me. "I...don't know what I was going to say." That was a lie. I never had anything to say, I just called him back because I wanted him to stay a bit longer.

The clouds overhead began to open up and pour rain down on us.

"I'm sorry about Marshall. If I knew..." I fade.

Percy smiles a half smile. "To think he'd be in high school with me if he were still alive."

"That would've been nice. To have him around. He would-" I cut myself off when I notice Percy staring at me. "What?"

He doesn't respond, just leans in and kisses me.

I'm taken aback at first. I don't know what to do, so I kiss him back. Part of me yells "PUSH HIM OFF!" the other part is saying "This is mighty fine."

His kiss is gentle and sweet, and his breath smells delicious and minty.

He pulls away. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't've done that. It's just... Your hair looks so beautiful with the raindrops in it..."

I don't know what came over me for this next part, but next thing I knew, I practically jump on him, kissing him fiercer than he kissed me.  His hands are in my hair, and mine are on the front of his shirt.

Oh my gosh! I thought. Those abs!

He kisses me harder than the first time, matching my intensity. I want to stay in this moment forever, but then he puts his hand on my thigh, and I suddenly realize who I'm kissing.

I quickly pull away.

He just looks at me, not upset, not relieved.

"I'm sorry." We apologize at the same time.

"No, I'm sorry. I should be going." Percy gets up, and I get up with him. "Goodbye, Lexi." He smiles briefly, apologetically, then walks to his car.

I watch him as he drives away.

Oh my god! I cheated on Aaron!

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