8: Blackmailed

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"Lexi! Are you ok?" Maria runs over to me as I start to feel like I was going to fall over. "What is going on? What happened?" 

"Were you dancing with Percy?" Jakob asked. 

I didn't answer their questions, and I noticed neither of them were with their dates.

"Lexi, what happened?" Jakob asks. 

"I don't know." I say, and walk out of the doors. The dance was over anyway.

"Bree said something about a picture? What was that about?" Maria asks. 

I figured I'd better tell them what happened or else they'd just keep asking the same question in different ways.

"Percy came over to hang with me because I was all alone. We played some games and then started dancing. Bree must've taken a picture of us at some point because she said she's going to show Aaron." I said breathlessly.

"Where is Bree now? I swear to god, I will pummel that girl into the ground." Maria says.

I frowned at her. Did she not hear what I said? "You don't seem surprised. Upset. Confused. Disgusted." I said.

She turns to me. "How could I be any of those when I know it was just because you were hurting?"

"Yeah, but....it was Percy."

Jakob laughs a little.

"How are you two not mad at me? I'm mad at me!" I say.

"Lexi, we know you didn't mean for this to happen. We know you love Aaron. It was just a nice gesture turned wrong." Jakob says.

I stare at him. "A nice gesture?" It came out more like I was trying to convince myself that's all it was.

"C'mon, we won't let that Homecoming Princess of a bitch show that picture to Aaron." Maria says.

When she said Homecoming Princess, I realized I completely missed who was crowned King and Queen. Quite frankly, I didn't care. It wasn't Bree, so whatever.

The weekend was horrible. I had to go through two days of not knowing whether or not Aaron saw this picture. I was almost happy when I had to go to school Monday.


"Hey, so what happened to you on Friday? How come you didn't show?" I ask casually.

"Lexi, I am so sorry. My Aunt Ellie ended up in the hospital." Aaron says.

"Oh my gosh! No, I'm sorry. How is she? Is she going to be ok?" I asked.

"I think so. She's doing better. She had a heart attack. I got the call just as I was pulling out of the driveway. I would've told you what was going on, but my head was so clouded..."

"No, I understand."

Aaron sighed. "I wish I could've been there with you. It's our senior year, it was our last time."

"Hey, there's always prom. Besides, prom is better." I smile, still a little disappointed he didn't get to see me in that dress. But I push that aside. It's not important.

Later that day, I ran into Bree.

Oh great. I thought to myself.

"Hi, Lexi." She says like I'm her best friend. "I've decided I won't show Aaron the picture."

I frowned at her. "What? Really?" I didn't say it hopefully, more confused and doubtful.

She nods and smiles fakely. "I won't. If you do something for me."

I roll my eyes. There it is.

"Get me a date with Percy."

I stifle a laugh. "Seriously? That's it? You've lost your game so much, you're asking me to set you up? Pathetic." I said.

"Just so you know," she turns her phone around, "I have a very interesting picture that I'm about to send to Aaron. Have you seen it?"

"Ok fine. Why do you even like Percy?" I asked.

"You don't?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No way."

"Well then that makes your situation worse."  She laughs. "Make the date tonight at 6:00. At The Little Diner on 3rd Street." and with that, Bree walks away.

I sighed and turned the corner, trying to find Percy.

"She never answered my question as to why she likes Percy." I mutter to myself.

"Lexi!" Someone calls.

I turn to see Percy behind me. "I was actually looking for you."

"Really?" he asks.

"Relax, not for me. Well, kinda for me. You've got a date, pal. 6:00 tonight, The Little Diner..." I pause as Percy looks at me for more details. "....With Bree."

"Bree?! Why am I going on a date with Bree?"

"Look, I'm sorry, but she was gonna send that picture of us to Aaron if I didn't get you to take her out on a date."I said, looking over his disgusted face. He smelled nice again, a different cologne than the kind he wore to the dance.

Am I really smelling him again?

"Fine. I'll go on a date with her. It's just one date, right?"

"That's all she said."

"Good. Just know that I'm doing this for you." Percy says, then leaves.

I felt a weird feeling inside me. It felt like....no, there's no way.

I was not jealous that Bree was going on a date with Percy.

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