15: Options

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I was thinking of a pro-con list for both Aaron and Percy, as if I still had a chance with Aaron.

Trust me, I didn't put that list in writing. I've seen Friends.

But for Aaron's pros, they were;

I was used to him saying things like I love you

He's nice, sweet, and caring

I've been with him for my whole high school career

He treats me wonderfully

Great kisser

Percy's pros were;

Thoughtful, giving, sweet

Treats me great

Perhaps a better kisser

Would do anything for me

Doesn't get weird about emotional situations

So, that totally helped me out. Lie!

The cons.



Not always there for me

Would never do what Percy did for me


Was rude to me all my life, so now it's weird that he loves me

Waits too long to make a move

When he does make a move, it's at all the inappropriate places

I didn't know what to think. Aaron would see the concert tickets as too expensive. The flowers and chocolates as something for Valentine's Day or anniversaries only. The love letter...never. He would sooner shoot himself.

Percy did all those things without a second thought.

I sighed. I didn't know what to do. I didn't think I ever would.

The week went by, and soon enough it was Monday again. Aaron and I broke up a week ago. I used to think I would never be able to get through a week without him.

And just as I saw him for the first time since, something Percy said came back to me.

It was about how Aaron would react if he had found about us.

"If he really loves you, he won't be mad."

If he really loves me.

So that begged the question;

Does, or did, Aaron really love me?

Of course he does. Did. Anybody would be mad. Percy was probably just trying to make me feel better...



"Save it."

"No, listen to me!" I grab his arm.
Aaron whips around, surprise written all over his face.

"I love you, you know that. I never meant to hurt you. I understand you're upset, and probably don't want to get back together. But...I just want you to know...the...things I already said."

This was going great.

But Aaron seemed to calm down a little. "I'm more upset with Percy. The truth is...I already knew he liked you."

I stare at Aaron. Had I heard him right?

"We agreed that so long as you and I were dating, he would keep quiet."

I begin to frown. "You told him to keep quiet?" I asked.

Aaron nods. "Yeah. You don't go around telling another guy's girl that you love her."

"No, I guess you don't."

"But he broke that promise." Aaron said.

I think back to Aaron's reaction to the love letter, how I joked that it could've been from Percy. His reaction to Percy coming over on our triple date. It made more sense than Aaron not liking him just because.

"When did you find out?" I asked.
"Shortly before we started dating."


"Yeah, we both wanted to ask you out."

"What?! Did you do rock, paper, scissors to figure it out? Or did you flip a coin?" I asked.

"No...he let me ask you out first."


"If you said no, then he'd ask."

Even back then, Percy was making sacrifices for me.

He let Aaron ask me first. He stayed quiet not only for the four years Aaron knew, but the extra three years before hand.

He was probably rude to me to try to suppress his feelings for me.

He didn't even lash out at Aaron for loving me, too.

I think I figured out what I needed to figure out.

I smile at Aaron. "Excuse me. A light just came on in my head." I say simply.

"Wait, Lexi? Where are you going?" Aaron asks.

I giggle a little. "To get my Prince Charming." I said to myself.

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