3: Love Letter

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That next Monday went smoothly. Nothing weird happend until the very next day. That's when things got really weird. It all started when I was in Spanish, and Percy didn't make fun of me. He didn't even speak. He usually at least answers a question, then taunts me for not having answered it. But not today. It made me nervous.

"He didn't say anything?" Aaron asked. 

"Not a thing." 

"He didn't even make a face or something?" Maria asks as she takes a bite out of the granola bar she saved from her sack lunch. 

"No. Nothing." 

"Is he sick?" Jakob wonders. "Because he didn't even make fun of me today." 

Aaron frowns. "Maybe he's in a good mood." He suggests. 

"Or maybe he's having such a bad day, he can't even bring himself to be mean." Maria says. 

"It's probably because the dance is coming up, and he realized he shot down the one person who would've gone with him." Aaron laughs. 

But later was the crazy part, not right now. I got through the rest of the day, and when I got to my locker, there was a note on the inside that fell to the ground. It read:

My day depends on your smile.

I frowned. It wasn't Aaron's writing. Besides, he wouldn't write me a letter anonymously when he could just tell me. I crumbled it up and put it in my pocket.

"Look at this." I say as I pull out the letter and show my friends when I reached them.

Maria reads it first. "Aaron, why are you writing love letters? You already have Lexi." 

Aaron frowns and takes the paper from her. "I didn't write this." He looks very upset. "Who wrote this?!"

I shrugged. "It was just in my locker." 

"Someone's leaving you love letters?"

I chuckle at his reaction. "Yeah, I guess so." 

"Ooh." Jakob comes and takes the paper from Aaron. "Someone's in love with Lexi." He smiled, then noticed Aaron thinks it's not so sweet. "But obviously they're afraid of you, Aaron, or else they would've just told her."

I keep my eyes on Aaron. Is he jealous? I've never known him to be the jealous type. Usually he just laughs things off. He's definitely not laughing now. It was that look of knowing something that wasn't good again. It scared me how much I had seen it recently.

"Who do you think it could be, then?" Maria asked. She was clearly happy right now. I didn't know why, I have a boyfriend already. One that I've been with for four years now. 

"I have no clue." I said.

"Maybe it's Gerrard." Jakob says, smiling at me.

Oh gosh. He still remembered. 

Gerrard, all the way back in middle school, was my crush. My first big, big crush. If I were in seventh grade, the thought of Gerrard leaving me a love letter would've made my heart explode along with my head. Now that I was dating Aaron, it makes me uneasy, almost like I've been caught cheating on him. But I know I'm not in trouble, I didn't ask this person to put a letter in my locker. And I have never and will never cheat on Aaron. So I'm in the clear.

"What about Gerrard?" Aaron asks, still not smiling.

"Oh...just a guess." Jakob says so Aaron and I won't have to go into that. I smile at Jakob, thankful for his response.

"Well, I think it's Alan." Maria says, laughing a little. 

"Alan?" Aaron asks. "Why would you think it's either of them?" 

"Well, Alan had a massive crush on Lexi." Maria smiled.

"What? He did? When?" I asked.

Aaron turns to me with a look of disbelief.

"He's liked you since the eighth grade. As far as I know, he still does." Maria says.

This doesn't help Aaron. He looks even more mad than before. "Don't all these guys know you're taken?"

I don't respond. The way he says this doesn't make it seem like he just doesn't want to lose me. 

"It's ok, Aaron. It's harmless. They didn't make a move on her. For all we know, it's a joke." Jakob says

"Yes, a joke! That's probably all it is." I said, really hoping it was just a joke. "It's probably Percy messing with me."

Aaron didn't look relieved at the mention of Percy's name. He looked even more pissed, if it was possible. His jaw was set, and his eyes burned with hatred. I was honestly scared for everyone's life right now.

"I'm gonna go." Aaron says, and leaves us, without kissing me goodbye.

"Does he have anger issues or something?" Maria asks.

"No. That is just one jealous boyfriend." Jakob says.

"Hey, he's not jealous. And he doesn't have anger issues. Would you be happy if you knew someone liked the one you're dating?" I asked. They both murmur in agreement. "Good. So you know how he's feeling." I said, then walked them both home.

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