t h r e e

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-hi! already 100 read on the two first chapters! thank you so so much guys! please like and leave me your impressions through the chapter! love yaaa-

"You didn't mean it Lu." Ashton wiped the tears on Luke's cheeks, trying to sooth the blonde. "He knows you didn't mean it."

"I was so angry and I-I told him that I hated him." He sniffled. "Gosh, I'm such a bad person, what if he doesn't make it?" He sobbed. "What if he dies thinking that I hated him?"

"He won't, he won't Lukey." Ashton gripped Luke's chin. "He knows you didn't mean it, don't worry about that, you'll tell him you love him when he woke up yeah?"

Luke nodded softly, resting his head on Ashton's shoulder whilst Ashton tightened his arms around him, hoping that he could be right. Because he knew that Luke would be in pieces in anything happened to his brother.

"Is anyone here for Jack Hemmings?" A voice called.

"Yes, yes, I'm his mom!" Liz jumped from the chair and rushed to the doctors.

Luke followed gently, behind Ben, he was sobbing still and Ashton was holding his hand, squeezing it softly.

"How is he?" Liz asked, holding Andy's hand. "Can we see him?"

The doctor's face dropped and Luke's heart did as well. 

"We...we're sorry Mrs Hemmings, we did our best but unfortunately he didn't make it."

Liz burst into tears and she gripped Andy's arms, she was sobbing and screaming while Andy was trying to keep his calm. 'He didn't make it' those words were turning into Luke's mind, again and again. Dead, Jack was gone, he was gone, forever. It wasn't real, Luke thought that maybe he was in a nightmare or something and that he would wake up, but he didn't. He realized that it wasn't a dream and he felt his body giving up.

Before Luke could faint, Ashton grabbed his little body and he pressed him against his chest. Endless tears were rolling down Luke's pretty face and it broke Ashton's heart. 

"I'm sorry Lukey, I'm so sorry." Ashton whispered, his hand playing in his baby blonde hair.

Minutes passed, or maybe it was hours, Luke didn't know, he was still at the hospital. Everybody was gone, Ben went home with Andy and Liz, but Luke stayed he was sat on Ashton's lap, his hands wrapped around the brown-haired boy's neck and his face buried against his collarbone. He wasn't even crying anymore, he was just silent his mind was blank, he couldn't think.

"Lenny." Luke said raising his head. "Damn it where's Lenny?" Luke stood quickly tugging on his hair. "He was in the car right? Of course, he was oh my God where is he?"

"Hm, I-I don't know Luke I-" Ashton said. "Wait where are you going?" 

"I gotta find him." Luke said rushing to the automatic doors.

"Okay, yes hm maybe we should go to the shelter?"

Luke nodded and Ashton drove to the closest shelter, it was already dark outside and Ashton thought that it would be closed but when he pulled in the driveway it was still open.

Luke jogged to the door, Ashton following him and when they entered they walked to the front desk, an old lady was here and she smiled warmly to the boys.

"May I help you, young men?" She asked.

"Yeah, we're looking for a dog, hm he's little and black it's a french bulldog, he was brought today? Maybe he's injured I-I don't know." Luke said quickly.

The lady thought for a second and she motioned for them to follow her. They walked in a big room, many dogs were here and Luke frantically looked every single one. He was really anxious, he couldn't lose Lenny as well, Ben would be so disappointed by him, at least he had to try and found him, Ben wouldn't like him to be adopted by another family, or worst, left on his own.

"Here!" Luke said pointing at the little puppy at the corner of the room, he looked scared. "Oh thank God you're here." He walked softly to Lenny and crouched to pet his little head. "You look pretty okay, arent' you?" He snuggled the dog into his arms and Lenny whimpered softly.

Then Luke sat down for a while, cuddled with Lenny against the wall until the lady said that they had to leave. Luke didn't feel like going home so Ashton proposed to go to his new apartment, and Luke nodded. So the three of them left in a thick silence.

"So welcome, I guess." Ashton said, he didn't really know to act around Luke, he was afraid to say something wrong, so he decided that he would stay quiet until Luke would talk. "You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." 

"You sure?" Luke asked, the little dog still on his arms. "I'm fine with the couch, I just didn't feel like going home."

"Yeah, I'll be okay." Ashton scooted closer and kissed Luke's forehead, lingering his lips on the soft skin. "Go and sleep Lu." He smiled sadly. "I'm right here if you need me."

Luke thanked him and he made his way to Ashton's room, everything was new so Luke was a little bit lost but he made it anyway. Lenny was laying at the bed's feet and Luke was wrapped into Ashton's cover, it smelled like coconut and Luke found it reassuring. He closed his eyes, hoping to drift to sleep but in vain. Every time his eyelids were shut he was reliving the scene when he told Jack that he hated him. He just couldn't take his brother's facial expression from his mind and he ended up at 4 am, still awake on Ashton's balcony. He was sat criss-cross, staring blankly into space.

He was tired.


But he couldn't sleep.

Luke grabbed hesitantly his phone on the floor, it was a bad idea to do that, it really was but he couldn't help it anyway. He needed it. So he unlocked the phone and he went lazily through his contact's number. His shaky thumb floated over the name for a few minutes, deciding if he should do it or not. But he did it either way.

He pressed his thumb on the name and he held the phone close to his ear, already cringing.

"Hi it's Jack, I'm not here right now but  you can leave a message, I'll call you back eventually." The happy voice said, giggling at the end. 

Luke sighed hanging up and he dialled the number over and over until he felt tears dripping on his cheeks.

"Hi it's Jack, I'm not here right now but you can leave a message, I'll call you back, eventually."

Then it beeped.

"Hey, it's me." Luke said his voice shaking and full of regrets. "I-I don't know why I'm doing this, I feel so stupid but I guess you're used to me being stupid." He sniffed. "I'm so sorry Jack." He said before bursting into tears again, a knot in his throat. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that. I would never hate you, you know that right?" He pulled his legs against his chest. "Right?" He asked again even though nobody would ever answer. "I love you so much god damn it I'm so sor-"

The phone beeped again. Luke remained silent while hanging up, wiping his damp cheeks and feeling his heart so heavy in his chest. 

-hi! sorry this is a sad chapter, i had to listen to broken home in repeat to be in a sad mood and i ended up crying while writing this, but i think it was worth it haha-

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