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THE NEXT MORNING Harry came in early to talk to Erin again. He laid out a couple of rules for Erin, so she could stay safe and keep her job. Most of the rules were only for the Peaky Blinders and Shelby family. To summarize in short what Harry has ranted to Erin about: They can do what they want and when they tell you to do it, you do it. Always answer them with Mr. Shelby or sir (if it's Polly and Ada it's ma'm). Don't ask questions, answer their questions. If they want the whole bottle of expensive champagne, you give it to them. If they want you to hide something behind the counter, you do it. If they want you to close early, you do it. Harry had told Erin if she didn't follow the rules he would be in trouble as well as her. The last pub that didn't listen to the Shelby's got burnt down.

"And for god sake Erin, don't be so stubborn."

Erin groaned loudly after Harry's speech. She hated being told what to do, it was the same in the village. She hated the fact that certain people got special treatment.
It was close to closing time. Erin didnt have a lot to do, she had already began closing an hour ago. She was suprised that there were not that many customers today. Non of the Peaky blinders had been here either, so she couldn't practice her new rules. Harry has gone home, so it was only Grace and her left.

"Grace, get out all the rum and whiskey!" Thomas yells happily as he bursts through the door with a pack of eager men following behind him.

Erin looked at the usually serious and cold group of men, but now saw a completely different side of them. They were all making havoc, but it was all in good fun.

"I want to purpose a toast!" Thomas yelled out from his seat by the bar. "For our new plans in London!"

"Drinks on the house boys!"

The men roared and threw up their glasses, breaking by toasting too hard. Erin looked at the men and smiled, its not often she saw them this happy. John jumped up on the table singing his lunges out. Erin had walked over to pick up some of the broken glass, but got hoisted up onto the table by a few of the men. John held around her waist with one arm while throwing the other one in all sorts of directions. The table was wobly so Erin had to hold John tight to not fall.

"Come on, sing with me Erin." John smiled and started to sing. Erin rolled her eyes and didnt want to spoil their fun, so she joined in.

"I'm suprised you havent poured a drink on me yet." John smiles. Erin rolls her eyes and hits his chest lightly.

"The night is not over." Erin smiles her famous devilish smile and tap him on his chest.


After a couple of hours, the men had gone comepletly wasted. Atleast John was. Jumping from table to table, screeching the words of an unameable song. The men from a couple of hours ago couldnt keep up, some were even passed on the floor.

Erin looked around at the state of the pub, it was a mess and she knew she had to clean it up alone. Harry had gone home before they even came and Grace had disappeared with Thomas somewhere.

"Please sir, could you not pour the beer on the floor." Erin says carefully as Curly was swaying his arms everywhere. He heard what Erin had said and lowered his arms.

Ever since the talk with Harry, she had started to call them by sir and mr. She hated it, but it was something she had to learn to do.

"Excuse me-" Erin said as she saw one of the drunk men holding up a chair. He looked to throw it somewhere. "Excuse me, oh look what you did-"

The man had no mercy by throwing the chair, he had aimed straight at one of the paintings. Erin came frustrated over and picked up the broken pieces.

"To have such big ears, you hear poorly-" Erin muttered.

"Go on Erin." Arthur laughed with the prostitutes underneath his arms. He had brought them two hours ago, and one hour ago he fucked them in the backroom.

"You are killing the fun!" John said as he stood up, wobbling. He was holding a bottle of whiskey and a glass. Erin turned around and locked eyes with him. He dropped the glass. "Whoops."

"Could you not do that, sir." Erin breathed out, trying not to get more frustrated than what she already was.

"Sir? I like the sound of that." John had stopped his wobbling, stood there grinning. John and her were now the entertainment, everyone was looking at them. Even the prostitute had stopped sucking Arthur to look. "Say it again, sweetheart."

"Could you please not do that." Erin said, she couldnt get herself to be undermined infront of the crowd.John put his hand up to his ear, to show he couldnt hear anything. If looks could kill, John Shelby would be a dead man. Thats when he dropped the whole bottle of whiskey. "You fucking asshole."

"Do you know who I fucking am?" John growls. Erin shuts her mouth and walks behind the counter, she sees a brown broom laying on the floor.

"You are a fucking child, John." She said while sweeping up the mess. Some of the men didnt dare to laugh, except for the table around Arthur.

"I like her." Arthur said inbetween laughs.

"Say that to my face." John jumped down from the table and walked slowly up to her. Usually women would buckle in scenario, but not Erin.

"You are a child, with a god complex." Erin said as she closed the gap between her and John. She looked at him, awaiting a slap across the face. Thats what they would do to her at the village, hit her into submission.

"You are so stubborn." John whispered with a small smile, a smile only Erin could catch.

Erin looked at him for a few seconds before he turned around and lit a cigarette, she looked down and started to sweep.

Thomas came down from upstairs, followed by Grace. It got quiet quick, Thomas had that affect on people. Erin locked eyes with Grace, she gave her a small smile.

"Now, boys its late." Thomas sighted and grabbed his coat off the hanger. "Let's leave these poor women alone."

Thomas looked at the mess around the bar and left a 20 pounds on the bar table. The men followed along and left their change money on the counter.

"See ya later Erin." Arthur smiles as he stomps a 10 pound note underneath his empty glass.

"Sorry about the mess love." John said. He was the last one of the men still in the bar. He hurried over to Erin, grabbing her hand. He pulled it up to his face and kissed it. After that he left.

Erin looked at her hand, she felt something there. She looked at it was a 100 pound note at the palm of her hand.

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