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IT WAS EARLY, or around 10 in the morning. The bar didnt open before 12. Since Athena basically lived there she usually got up around this time and tidied the bar, she didnt have anything better to do.

Harry didnt even bother getting there this early, the bar was usually dead untill 2. Athena had said it wasnt a big deal if she was alone those two hours, there barely came any customers. But today it was different.

Loud knockes echoed the Garrisons, Athena jumped by the sudden sound. She furrowed her brows and ignored it, it was probably some drunks from the night of.

"Hello?" A voice said. "Erin?"

Athena gave in. She walked towards the entrance and opened the door slightly.

"Hello?" She said cautiously before looked out. She met the eyes of John.

"Hello, love." John smiled as he held the door and widened it.

"You are awfully early." Athena said and tilted her head. She studied him, he had the usual gray suit on and cap. It suited him. She brushed away that thought.

"Can I come in?" He asked as he walked into the bar, Athena stood there like a statue. "Its fucking freezing out."

Athena turned around and saw him get comfortable in the bar stool area. Usually all the Peaky Blinders were in the VIP room or the backroom. He pulled off his leather gloves and scarf.

"I'm not going to be my own barmaid, get over here." He said playfully. Athena rolled her eyes and walked towards the counter.

"You know we dont open until 12 right?" Athena smirked as she started to wipe the counter and getting him a clean glass.

"Yeah, I wanted to be somewhere quiet." He said as he pointed to a black whiskey bottle. "Thomas is always on my back and cant get a second of silence at home."

"I understand." Athena said as she reached for the black bottle. She popped it open and filled his glass up. "Not a lot of options for silence around Birmingham, especially your position."

"Early hours of the Garrisons it is." John said as he raised his newly poured glass. Athena thought it was stupid to be drinking at such early hours, but she stayed silent because: who is she to judge?

"I'll leave you too it." Athena said. She got the hint that the wanted to be somewhere quiet, so why would she ask questions and talk? 

"No, I like your company." He said as he finished his drink. "Its not like a bossy voice or a screaming child in my ear."

"I would hope not."  She said softly and chuckled.

There was a moment of silence, not uncomfortabel or awkward. It was nice. She kept cleaning, making sure atleast the bar area was ready for the customers. 


Her and John had been talking for hours, nothing personal or explicit. Just talking about nothings and filling up the silence.  When the clock striked two both Harry and Grace came walsing through the door. 

"I better get going, Thomas is probably on his way." John said, he poured down his third glass of the day. "See ya later."

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