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Warning: murder, gore themes

The first shank was placed in the upper part of her sleeve, the second and third one was in her sock. She hadnt killed someone before, only injured people. Either it was severe or not, shes never taken someones life.

"Something troubling your mind?" A hand was gently placed on Athenas shoulder. She jumped and turned her head quickly, suprised by the sudden contact.

"No, I'm just daydreaming." She said as she met the gaze of the concerned bartender. "I got some work at the bettingshop later tonight, I cant take the last shift."

"Thats fine, its not like I can force you to stay- with the Shelbys running the place." Harry scratched his neck and leaned onto the bar counter.

"Yea, I'm sorry about that." Athena said. "I must be hard having to give up the rights to this place."

"Yeah, she's my baby you know." Harry smiled and laid his finger on the counter, swiping the dirt off it. "Despite how ugly she may be."

There was a silence. Athena would usually sit down and talk with him, but she was filled with nerves and jitters.

"I have to head off, but I'll see you around!" Athena chuckled and waved away, leaving Harry alone in his home.


Athena was stood at the spot she was told to be at, by the barrels and the one oak tree. Athena was playing out the scenarios in her head over and over, getting ready for the meeting. She really didnt want to use the gun, it was something so off about it.

Even though it didnt make sense that she would rather stab someone to death than shot them easily, it felt uneasy.

"You ready Athena?" Thomas said as walked up to her in a high pace. He flung a fitted jacket over her, probably to hide the knives and such. They started to walk towards the checkpoint. They were not far away.

"Yeah, I just have to calm down." She breathed.

"Its gonna be alright-" Thomas said, holding a hand on her shoulder. "Remember, Use the gun if they are more than the two brothers."

Athena nodded slowly and swallowed. She didnt want to use the gun, she kept checking to see where the dagger was. She looked up and saw the two other Shelby brothers, by the pier.

Thomas slowed down his quick pace to talk to his brothers. Athena followed along.

"Mrs Shelby, looking fine as always." John winked at Athena. Not the place and time John. She thought as she stood there, forgetting they had no idea she was soon-to-be murderer.

"A little seasick, but I second John." Arthur teased. Athena couldnt help it, but Arthurs small lines always made her smile.

"Soon we'll have gunpowder fellas, but be ready for an ambush."

"As always Tommy."

Here we go.


They cut the corner by the Pier and saw the four men. Fuck. Thomas held her tightly, acting very lovingly. Even though she knew it was all a maskerade, she could feel his cold touch.

The two men by the tea tabel were dressed like hillbillies, they also both seemed to be dirty and missing teeth.

"Good evening, Jack and Joe." Thomas said as they got closer. Athena hesitated grabbing their hands, they didnt move an inch when they saw them.

"Good evening, Mr. -" One of them said, but had to pause and spit some of the chewing tobacco out. "And the Mrs. Shelby."

Thomas grabbed Athenas thigh and smiled at her, keeping up the act. Athenas eyes darted to the men in the back. They werent armed, not as far as she could see. The rules were, if there were four she had to pull out the gun.


"You alright to discuss the matter?" Thomas sighted as he laid a bunch of money on the table. The two hillbilly brothers looked behind him and nodded towards Thomas. The two men in the back came over.

"If it's alright, we would like to search you before discussin' an'thang'." One of them said smugly, showing his few teeth.

"Be my guest." Thomas said as he stood up, arms straight out. The men started to search him.

Athena started to count again. One, two, three shanks. She started to panic in her head. Where is the fucking gun?!

"He's clear." They said. Their eyes darted now over to Athena.

"Check the misses." The other hillbilly said. "Dont worry Mr. Shelby, they wont be handsy."

One of the men reached to grab her hand. She could feel the blade on her palm.

Slice dont stab.

She quickly grabbed his hand pulled him close to her, she used the hand with the blade and cut him in his neck. Some of the blood spilled on her dress and hand. Thomas punched the other one that was in shock and tried to fight him off. The two hillbilles grabbed the money and started to make a run for it.

"Arthur!" Thomas breathed out as he got punched in the stomach. "John!"

Athena pushed the heavy, almost dead, man off of her and lifted up the second shank. She threw it across the table, hitting one of the hillbillies in the leg. Causing him to yelp out in pain. He kept walking, even though it was painfully slow.

Athena grabbed one of the tea chairs and chucked it at him, making him fall down. She sat ontop of his back as he struggled to get up. She pulled the shank out of his leg and sliced it over his neck. A gurgle of own blood was the last thing that was heard from him.

She stood up and realised it was quiet. Thomas and John had fought off one of them, while Arthur had killed the other hillbilly.

It was over.

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