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Referring ATHENA as ERIN from this chapter until said

ERIN WOKE UP early her first day, even though Harry told her no customers would come until noon. She wanted to make a good impression on Harry, so she swept and made everything ready for noon.

She met the other barmaid, Grace, after a few hours had gone. Grace had told her all the tips and tricks on how to handle the men and the Peaky Blinders.

"Most of these old men, just want someone to talk too." Grace smiled as she poured Erin a cup of tea. Erin sat down on the not broken wooden chairs and listen carefully. "Of course, if they can get a fuck out of you too, they will try."

"Just be stern with them." Grace continued, but she stopped as soon as Harry walked inn.

"You keep an eye on her today, Grace." Harry pointed at Erin and gave a small smile. "Teach her a thing or two."

"Yes, sir." Grace said as she winked at Erin.

Harry gave Erin pennies and told her to buy something to eat for today and tomorrow. When Erin came back a few hours later, the pub was packed. It suprised her how much it filled up the time she was gone. She got attention from the start of when she walked through that door, wolf whistles and sexual language.

The sudden attention caught the eyes of the Shelby brothers from the back room. The two doors were open, so they could both hear and see what came through the pub.

"You ordered her?" Thomas spoke up and hit John across the head.

John looked up and was about to hit Thomas, but then he saw the beautiful brunette. She had long brown hair, slim waist and wide hips.

"I didnt order'ha." John said lowly as he studied the brunette. The girl had gotten a small crowd around her, the older men laughed and seemed to enjoy her company.

"You see something you like, John boy?" Arthur laughs and shoves John harshly. John sipps his whiskey and smirks.

"They are probably coppers," Finn spoke up as he leaned towards the counter.

"I think I might ask her." John stood up and motioned towards the bar area. Tommy shook his head, while Arthur dapped him across the back.

"Do you boys do anything else than decide with ya cocks?" Polly rolled her eyes and grabbed the newspaper on the table. "John's a married man."

"Ever since that arranged marriage you set up, Tommy-" Polly continued as she turned a page. Thomas sights and leans back into his chair. "He's gone off the rails."

"Shagging so many prostitutes, doing blow-" Polly kept rambling on and on. "You better pray Esme never finds out."

If Esme would ever find out about John and his cheating, most likely the Lee's and Shelbys wont be at peace anymore. It would mean full on war between them. The only thing thats holding them from cutting each others throats is the arranged marriage.

"You don't think I know that." Thomas growls. "Thats why I had explictly told him to not fornicate or do anything like that in daylight, or anywhere nearby where people could see him."

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