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MOST MEN WHERE at work at this time, so the Garrisons wasnt as loud as it usually is. The only noises where from the backroom, where only priviliged people could go.

Someone had tapped the closed window that was between the bar and the backroom. Erin looked over to see who was going to take it. Grace was busy serving and Harry was busy pouring. Erin ran over and opened the bar window, it was Thomas.

"Bring a bottle of rum." Thomas said with a cigarette in his mouth. Erin nodded her head and turned around to grab the first one in sight. "Come to the back with it."

Erin stood there puzzled for a few seconds.

"Yes, mr Shelby." She nodded and walked past the counter. Her brown locks bounced as she opened the door to the backroom. The room was filled with suited men that were loud and having a laugh. The smell was dominated by the cigars. She spotted Thomas, seated in his usual table spot. She placed the rum on the table and smiled at him.

"Have a seat, Erin." Thomas says sternly. She looks at the table, there is a seat avaliable beside John. John distanced himself from the conversation with Finn and John, and he tapped the open seat lightly.

"Hello, love." John spoke up and held his hand out. Erin hesitated grabbing it, but Harrys speech was imprinted in her brain. She eventually did and he leaded her to the seat.

"Where are you from Erin?" Thomas said as Erin sat down. Arthur grabbed a glass and started to pour some of the rum. Erin looked away from Thomas piercing eyes, trying to focus on what to say.

"I don't do well with rum, thank you." Erin said smiling. Her eyes locked with the bottle of liqour, the last time she was drinking was at the village. A time she didnt want to get back to. Drinking made her useless.

"You smoke?" John asked handing out a cigarette.

"No sir." Erin shook her head. John grinned and gave a look to Arthur when she answered.

"What type of talk is this, Thomas?" Arthur asked as he leaned forward, pushing Finn aside.

"Where are you from Erin?" Thomas repeated again. Erin's eyes shot up and smiled at him, she tried to act as normal as she could. She had been awaiting the day he would interogate her, he did the same to Grace. She had told Erin all about it.

"Oh, sorry I'm from Oxford." Erin said. Thomas icy blue eyes kept on hers.

"Oxford, eh?" John chuckled, as did Arthur. Erin was getting nervous, were they laughing because they knew it was a lie? She couldnt show that she was nervous, she had to keep cool. "Thats where we fought those nonces, remember Arthur?"

"Did you deal drugs?" Thomas said bluntly. John choked on his whiskey.

"Oh its this type of talk." Arthur breathed out. Arthur looked at John and then at Finn.

"Yeah, fuck off then Finn." John lifted Finn up by his blue suit. Erin looked and saw that Finn got pissed, but he eventually walked over to Polly.

"No, I did not deal drugs in Oxford." Erin said crossing her legs. She wore a burgundy dress today, nothing fancy. She had on a jewelry that her aunt had given to her, now she regrettet putting it on.

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