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Still frustrated from yesterday, Athena headed off to cool herself off. She didnt know how to process the feeling she was constantly having. The fear, the nervousness, but also the excitement from working with the Shelbys.

Athena noticed Grace by the local grocery store, grabbing a few apples.

"In the mood for apples?" Athena said as she approched her. Grace jumped and held her chest as a sign of suprise.

"Erin, I nearly jumped out of my skin." Grace smiled and held her bag. "How are you doing?"

"I feel fine." Athena shrugged, unsure if Thomas told her every detail about what had happen. She felt as if she was sworn to some unmentioned secrecy.

"Thomas had said you guys were doing a deal with a new gang or something-" Grace said. "And I heard it went well!"

Athena nodded, unsure why Grace was that excited about deal if she knew what almost happen and also why she talked like that in a grocery store.

"I hope no one heard that-" Grace looked around and looked a bit stressed. "I forgot we were in public for a second."

"Maybe the sleeping cashier, but he looks passed out." Athena smiled.

"Speaking about passed out," Grace added. "I hope you are prepared for tonight."

"Whats going on-" Athena looks left and right, furrowed her brows confused. "Tonight?"

"It's Saturday, Erin." Grace said. "And I heard all the peaky blinders are gonna be at the Garrisons tonight."

"All of them? Why?" Athena asked.

"I don't know, Thomas asked them all to come." Grace smiled and started to head out of the shop. "But I'll see you later!"

"You bet."


Athena's next move was the betting shop as she couldn't avoid Thomas forever.

"Hiya, Erin." Arthur said as soon as she stepped foot into the betting shop. The place was crowded with peaky boys, many she didn't know of.

"Have you seen Thomas?" Athena said hesitantly.

"I think he's by Johns office." Arthur smirked and waved her off.

As she was walking towards the office she noticed how many of the peaky were looking around and watching people's every move.


When she got to Johns office, he was sitting there alone writing something. Athena knocked on doorframe twice before he looked up.

"What do you want, Angel?" He smiled and leaned back into his chair. "A cheering up from yesterday?"

"No, I'm actually looking for Thomas-" Athena smiled and walked in. "Don't need no cheering up."

"Oh, so you're a tough girl huh?" John said sarcastically looking up at her from his chair.

Athena rolled her eyes as she leaned onto his desk beside him. She was looking at him with furrowed brows. "Thomas coming in soon?"

"Yeah he's comin'." John smirked as she ignored his previous comment. "You sick of talking with me?"

"Sometimes." Athena teased to see his expression. "I don't think we would be friends if you weren't my boss."

"Is that so?" John laughed. "Not the best of friends, you and I?"

"Maybe like a quick nod every time we see each other at the store, type of friendship." Athena smiled as she sat on his desk. Feeling a lot less stressed and more comfortable.

"That's harsh." John smirked and laughed for a bit. "What's so unlikeable about me?"

Athena looked him up and down, as he smile with confidence. She couldn't really comment on looks or anything as she would have struggled lying.

"You're too cocky." Athena said, satisfied with her answer.

"Fair enough, is that all you got?" John said as he leaned in closer. Athena gave it a few seconds, before smiling and nodding.

John looked at her up and down. He put his hand on one side of the desk holding onto something and twirling it around.

"You have really pretty green eyes." John commented as he stared deeply into her eyes.

"Stop." Athena smiled as she turned her head away laughing.

"Why are you turning your head away?" John said as he put his hand slightly above her knee.

"Because you're such a schmuck." Athena said as she looked at him again.

"I meant what I said, Erin." John said as he shifted his hand on her leg. Athena still felt awkward with her whole name, as she felt as she was living a lie. Which she was.

"Okay, John." Athena rolled her eyes as she was about to make a comment back, but a knock with heard at the door.

"I hope I'm not disturbing anything." Thomas's said as he started to walk slowly in. John's head turned immediately and his hand left her thigh slowly.

"No, nothing Tommy." John said as he got up slowly. "I'll let you two talk."

"Thanks, John." Thomas nodded at him. John and Athena didn't say bye, but he smiled at her before leaving.

"Now, Athena." Thomas said as John closed the door behind him. "You've got us in some trouble."

"Trouble?" Athena paused. He sat down where John was sat before, he shook his head and grabbed one of John's sigars.

"Yeah, the small family business turns out to not be so small after all." Thomas said as he inhaled smoke and exhaling.

"I dont understand I-"

"They are looking for revenge, Athena." Thomas cut her off as she was about to ramble on. "They are going to show up to The Garrisons and we are going to be there."

"Shouldnt I go in hiding, or something-" Athena said as she got nervous.

"No, because they are watching you and will find you where ever you are." Thomas said sternly. "You will go to work, as usual, at the Garrisons and you will be there when shots are fired."

"I will get killed." Athena looked at him, almost in disbelief.

"Athena, I cant promise anything." Thomas said as he started to get up. "But to ensure your safety and others, you will show up."


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