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ERIN OPENED THE door tot the bar, she had to run a quick errand before the bar opened.

It was early in the morning, only men working was to be seen. She was holding a bag of carrots in her hand. The road had started to get muddier and more natural as she kept walking. The stable wasn't far from the bar.

"Morning, ma'm." Several workers had said to her. Erin has smiles and greeted them, as she usually does.

Erin sees one of the horse keepers, Lucia, outside riding one of the horses. Erin walked to the gate and waved at Lucia, she waved happily back.

"You're an angel." Lucia smiles as she notices the carrots. Erin throws one at Lucia, she catches it and held it in front of the black horse.

"How is he?" Erin said as she opened the gate.

"Better, but they won't listen to me." Lucia sighs. "They still use the whips."

"It's normal to use whips, but the way they are doing it-" Erin says as she walks closer to the horse, it had cuts all over the front and back legs. Even pieces of the ears were off, and cuts on the mouth. "It's cruel."

"Yes, because of what they did this morning-" Lucia said an stroked his face. "He didn't want to eat."

"Don't they understand he'll never win when they do this to him?"

"I've tried telling them, but it's useless." Lucia sights.

"I better get going, I'm suppose to open the bar soon." Erin smiles a weak smile and give the rest of the carrots to Lucia. Lucia waves as she walks away.

After Erin had met Lucia at the farmers market, she had visited her everyday to feed the horse they were training for the derby. Lucia would always tell her about the cruel ways they would punish the horse.

On Erin's way back from the stable, she hears a loud groan. She looks around and can't see what was making the noise. She shrugged it off, and kept walking.

"Fucking blacks, get outta' her!" A man yelled. Erin turned and saw Isaiah getting beaten up near another pub. The pub, also known as The Red Lion, was where most criminals went to get drunk and fight. The people who went to The Red Lion wouldnt never step a foot in The Garrisons, because they know thats The Peaky Blinders pub.

"Get off him!" Erin yells as she hurries over to the chaos. While she was walking over, she took off her shoe and threw it on them. It was two wide men standing over Isaiah, they turned to Erin.

"Walk away, love." The fattest one said loudly. Erin got pissed off and took off her other shoe.

"Get the fuck off him." Erin said, showing her true colors. At the village she wouldnt take shit from anyone, atleast none of these lowlifes.

The men started to chuckle.

Erin threw the heel at the wide man, hitting him square on the head. He held his head and looked pissed. The two men started to walk towards her, but Erin was quick to lift her skirt up and grab a shank in her stocking. She always had it there, but never thought she would actually use it.

The men stopped and paused when they saw the shank. From what Erin could see they were unarmed.

"It aint worth it, Jimmy." The one man with the brown hair said. The other one with ginger hair, shook his head and gave her the finger. Erin didnt put the shank away until she saw they cut a corner.

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