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"You could've gotten us killed!" Thomas yelled across the Garrisons. It was only Athena, Thomas, John and Arthur there.

"Could've, but I didn't." Athena said with confidence, but it slowly weakened for the seconds that went.

"You've got some nerve, don't you?" Thomas slammed the almost empty whiskey on the table as he sat down in frustration.

Athena has her head down, but looked up to meet Johns eyes as he was walking towards Thomas.

"Look, Tommy, she made a mistake." John said as he got closer to him. "We all do."

"Remember when Arthur shot himself in the foot or when he punched the fucking minister or when he-"

"Okay, he gets it John." Arthur rolled his eyes.

"The thing is, we can't make mistakes now." Thomas muttered. "Not at the point we are in now."

"Tommy, we lucked out on this one." John said and filled his and his brothers empty glass. "The guys we met today have no threat tomorrow."

There was a long pause.

"She's good Thomas, and we need someone like her."

Another pause.

"Fine." Thomas said as he downed the glass of whiskey. He then turned around to meet the eyes of Athena. "If you make one more mistake like this, I will send you back to that fucking-."

He paused. Athena knew what he was going to say, he was going to say village but he stopped himself.

"Posh place you came from." He finished, the brothers didn't notice the small pause he had. Athena knew, which made her trust him more.

"I won't, Mr. Shelby." Athena muttered. She did feel regret, it could've gone really bad.

"I think I'm done here, I'll meet you two at the shop later." Thomas said packing up the stuff. He brushed past Athena, not even looking at her. The door shut and then there were only two brothers.

Athena brought her hands to her face in frustration, tugging her hair and skin. She felt so stupid.

"Hey, hey-" John muttered as he quickly came over to her and hugged her. "You did good today, eh?"

"He'll get over it, he always does." Arthur chimes in and grabs his coat.

Athena slowly removed her hands and took a few seconds to feel Johns warm body against hers.

"It's fine, I'm just frustrated." Athena said as she felt that they were having a pity party for her. "I haven't killed-"

She gulped as she remembered the faces. She felt sick. John noticed and seemed to hug her even tighter.

"Hey, look-" John pulled away to look at her. He tried to meet her eyes, but it took a few seconds. "You've never killed before, this is probably hard on you."

Athena nodded slowly and looked at him, he looked concerned. She had never seen him like that.

"Yeah, stop feeling sorry for me." Athena abruptly removed herself and shook her head. "I'm fine."

"Ok, I'll give you a sec." John nodded and put his hands in the air. "Just trying to help."

Athena didn't answer, she didn't know what to say to make the situation better.

"I know, I just have to think-" she muttered. Arthur was on his way out the door, John followed. He stopped right before the door.

"It's gonna be ok, angel."

Complicated | J.S (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now