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Skifting from ERIN to ATHENA

ATHENA COULDNT stop worrying about her talk with Thomas. She was nervous, knowing the fact that Thomas had found all that information in such a short notice. She didn't feel safe, it felt like people were watching her. Who knew her as Erin, and who knew her as of now as Athena?

"Erin, you have been mopping the same corner for half an hour." Harry said frustrated and grabbed the mop from her hands. "Go wash the glasses with Grace, you are a mess."

"Sorry, Har'" Athena sighted and felt guilty. She didn't like the fact that this kept bothering her, but it was a big deal.

Athena dragged herself across the room, grabbing a towel on the way.

"You alright there, Erin?" Grace chuckled as Athena leaned her frame by the wall.

Athena had stayed up all night, worrying and stressing about the conversation, she hadn't gotten any sleep.

"Yeah, yeah." Athena yawned loudly. "Fresher than ever."

"You better wake up soon babe, the men are coming for their pregame drinks." Grace smacked her lightly on the cheek.

Oh, it's the blues against the eagles today. Athena yawned again, but tried to cover it with her hand. She grabbed a clean glass and started to wipe it dry.


An hour later, the place was packed. Even though it was two in the afternoon, most of the men in there were on the verge on getting drunk.

"Slow down on the drinking, old Al!" Grace laughed as an elderly man spun her around. "The game isn't until four!"

"Grace, dont worry about my young soul!" He said and let her go, he fell over doing so.

Athena rushes to his side and tried to pull him up, Harry ran over to help.

"Cut him off the whiskey, would ya?" Harry says to the barmaids, the both nodded and carried him to the back.

"Could you clean the backroom?" Grace asked as they placed Arnold in the arms of Arthur, they were long time mates and a former peaky blinder. "I think Isaiah spilled a whole bottle in here."

"What's up big Al?" John says and smacks him across the chest, causing him to nearly gulp.

"Hi, darling." Arthur smiles friendly at Athena, she reciprocated weakly. Athena started to make her way towards the giant pond in the corner of the room.

To Athena's surprise, no Thomas. All the peaky boys were there except for him and the girls. It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulder, she couldn't handle him right now.

"Oh, for fuck sake Arnold." Athena heard John say. She turned around and saw Arnold waving half a bottle of whiskey. The other half was poured onto the table.

"Erin, do you mind? He's getting the cards wet." Arthur said, referring to the poker cards.

"No not at all, sir." Erin said as she finished up mopping the corner.

"What have I told you, Erin." Arthur said as he placed Arnold on Johns lap. "Call me Arthur."

Erin smiled at him warmly.

"For my sake, you can call me sir, master, lover-" John listed and grinned. "Pick and choose."

Is prick one of the options? Athena gave him a sarcastic smile and started to wipe the table, grabbing all the cards. She yawned and felt her body getting tired.

"Whose been keep you awake?" John said cheekily. Athena rolled her eyes.

"You never ask a lady such a question, John." Polly says bursting through the door. 

"Polly, you're coming to the game?" John snorts, and throws a card on the table. "Thats a suprise."

"John, do you really think I want to watch a stupid game with drunk, idiotic men who cant controll their anger after a few pints?" Polly rolled her eyes and grabbed a coat off the bar table. "I forgot my coat."

"Everyone is going, Pol." Arthur said as he held around a bunch of clueless drunk men. 

"I am actually going to Esmes, John." Polly smiled. "Watching your kids."

Athena looked for something else to do for work. She felt like she didnt need to know their personal family drama. She saw Grace having her hands full with customers, so she walked over to help her.

"First Esme, now you?" She could hear John yell from the other side of the door. "Give me a break!" 

"They are really going at it." Grace commented. Athena looked over her should and saw Grace getting a few clean glasses. 

"Yeah, John and Esme arnt speaking I heard." Athena said quietly. 

"Yeah, but what would you expect from an arranged marriage." Grace sighted. "How can you force yourself to love someone, its mad."

Athena nodded and agreed. She saw a bunch of drunk men waving their heavy arms, singing the blues anthem. 

"It's gonna be real quiet in the bar when they leave." Athena chuckled.

"You're not coming to the game?" Grace said confused.

"Shes wise to do so." Harry blurted in. "That game is no place for beautiful women like yourselves."

"Thats outrageous, I'm going with Tommy." Grace said sweetly. "Please come."

"Well, I hope you two have metall dresses on." Harry chuckled. "The men are going to be wild."

"Don't listen to him." Grace said and pulled Athena closer and away from Harry. "I promised Thomas you would come, Arthur has a crush on you."

"What?!" Athena yelled. 

"Shh!" Grace laughed. "And he said he needed you so Arthur wouldnt be lonely."

Athena rolled her eyes and took peoples orders. Arthur Shelby liking me? What the fuck. 

"Come for me then, please." Grace begged. 

"Fine, but if he tries anything-"

"He wont, he wont."

"Ello' missy, could I get a beer from you and a song from the wonderful Grace." An old man said smiling. Athena looked over at Grace and gave her a nod. 

"Soon it's still only two o'-" Grace started, Harry came swift from the corner with a bucket of water.

"The men are getting drunker and soon will be hearing bells, just sing it now." Harry smiled. 

Grace smiled and looked at Athena. Athena gave her a helping hand and helped onto the table. Harry whistled loudly so every drunk man at that bar would pay attention. 

Thats when Grace started to sing the beautiful Blues anthem.

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