Christmas part 1

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A/N: ok so I thought I might do a Christmas special this month I will post 2 parts for 12 days then there will be a break until x-mas eve and then I will post the main event. I will try and post so every one can read the main even on Christmas by putting and (a/n) at the beginning of it as I am 3 days ahead of you guys so... yeah sorry about that it sucks living in Australia because Christmas for me is in summer... on with the story. hope you enjoy the chapter love ya fairy's 

p.s. imagine that its lucy and not Mineva

*time skip 4 months after the accident*

*Lucy's P.O.V*

it has been fun getting to see gajeel again he has changed a bit we are currently on our way to his dads place " I'm sorry... for leaving when you where in  the hospital bunny girl..." I just look at gajeel with a confused look "what do you mean?... oh... that's ok I just got upset that you where crying that's all... it was kind of scary really..." I say looking at the sky as we walked along the side walk kicking a small pebble along as I walk "you saw that?!" he said panicking "calm down gajeel I will keep it a secret... I promise and if I do break that promise you can make me do what ever you want... also you know how I am going to be at the same school as you and juvia right?" I say with a small smile that gajeel seems to not notice "yeah? what about it?- look if your worried about your dorm the girls at the school are nice you will-" I cut him off " I'm not worried about the dorm I have been placed in my friend has already filled me in on what to expect when I get there... he even-" ," he? who is this guy? how long have you known him for? is he good to you? has he ev-" I giggle "you already know him silly, and I have known him for a while now he was in hospital for a week talking to all the ICU patience he kept making me laugh when I was sad he is really sweet too." I say looking up at him with a smile on my face *buzz* "oh hold on I got a text:

JUVIA : hey lulu we have everything ready for tonight how is gajeel?

LUCY: hey juvia yeah he is fine have you set up the surprise yet?

JUVIA: yup the guys are going to freak out when you get here. I am still mad that I cant talk to anyone about you being part of the dorm >:(

LUCY: ha if you want to talk to someone about it then talk to rouge or are you scared?

JUVIA: no! I didn't know you told him?

LUCY: well yeah of course I did he is my friend the only person I haven't told apart from the others is gajeel I will see you tonight k?

JUVIA: ok see you tonight 

"who was it bunny girl?" gajeel asked trying to look at my phone but I turned the screen off "just juvia..." he looked at me questioningly "ok... well we are here." he said as we got o his place just as his dad pulled up "hey kids what's up?- oh are you two having a moment?~" his dad said making gajeel blush and me giggle "no, just talking about my dorm" he smiled " calm down rust bucket I was joking and I have to talk to you about something Lucy" he seems worried "what did you want to talk about?" I ask as we get inside "your cousin rang me before he wanted to know if you wanted to go to you old place and get some things before it umm..." he trails off 'well I knew this was going to happen eventually' " yeah it was bound to happen eventually" I say with a small smile I guess things are definitely moving forward "I can take you there tomorrow if you want?" gajeel offered " thanks for the offer but I think I may get my friend to drive us..." I say getting a weird look from gajeel "why him and not me?" he asks with a sad face "well for one he has a big truck and there is a lot of stuff I will want to keep you know... and I will need help from some of our dorm mates..." I say rambling "can I at least help you get your stuff?" gajeel asked and I face palm looking at his dad noticing his face 'he will figure it out let him try' gajeel's dad mouthed seeming to understand what I said "well you should get going if you want to get to your dorm before dark" Metalicanna said with a smile on his face confusing gajeel "wait what's than supposed to mean?" gajeel said as I pushed him out the door when we got outside he was about to say something when I grabbed his arm and started running towards the woods behind the school "bunny girl where are you ta-" I cut him off by tying my ribbon over his eyes "do you trust me?" I say quietly "yeah  wh-", "good now I will go slow so you don't fall over ok?" I say starting to walk down the deer trail letting him know when to step over a root or rock then our destination came into view "ok I need you to be very quiet no noises got it?" gajeel nods signalling that he understands. as we get closer I see juvia waiting outside the dorm with rouge "*gasp*-" I cut juvia off with a shh "what was that noise?" gajeel asked so I smack him upside the head "sorry..." gajeel whispered 'go inside don't tell anyone juvia' I say telling her to go inside 'what about me?' rouge mouthed 'grab his other arm and help me get him up the stairs.' I mouth back and he jogs up and grabs gajeel's other arm making him flinch "it's ok we are almost there" I whisper to gajeel calming him down " step up... and again...once more.... and you are good" I say in a hushed tone as we walk him to where everyone is waiting "holy crap!-" Rufus says as I cut him off "stay here" I say to rouge and I walk over and hit Rufus upside the head "ow that hurt you know!" I hit him again and he finally got the message to shut up "thank you sit him down over here." I say gesturing to the seat next to me when he was seated I took the makeshift blindfold off "what the- why are we here?" he asked looking at me questioningly "what? you didn't want to come back?" I say with a smile "no... its just why are you here-" he froze ".... no." he said glaring at me my smile fading to a pout "to bad so sad" I say poking my tongue out at him "I will not stand for this! its way too dangerous for you-" I cut him off and we start to head butt "I don't care and I already know rouge and juvia filled me in on what I need to know!" gajeel breaks the headbutt and glares at me "wait a sec is rouge this friend of yours?" he askes glaring daggers into me "yeah so what?!" I say as we go back to headbutting "well not that this isn't fun to watch- and it is, care to explain?" Rufus said getting totally ignored "well I'm sorry to say but you might want to get used to this they fight more than Natsu and Grey... and that's saying something- however I have a fee- oh sh*t this is bad gajeel back down from the fight she is locked and loaded-" I say a little too late "this is why your dad calls you rust bucket because all you do is whine, whine, whine!" juvia paled "3...2...1..." juvia started to count down "what's going to happen juvia?" Minerva asked "that's it you asked for it!" gajeel said with the look I dreaded (btw after Lucy made that comment she covered her mouth) "5 second head start?" I ask "3 second head start so get moving" he said with a grin and I took off out the door jumping over the fence thing on the porch and dashing through the woods running into someone "sorry!...coz? why are you guys out he-" I hear gajeel start to catch up so I get up look back then start running and Bixlow and his friends start to run along side me "what did you do?!" Bixlow asked sounding concerned "just the usual now he gonna do the 'thing' to me!" I trip on a root and Laxus and Bixlow catch me and fail to keep their balance and we tumble down the small hill (steep hill) "well that hurt..."I hear Bixlow say as I open my eyes I notice I'm on top of Laxus "you ok blondie? did you hit your head?" he asked concerned "did you grab me on the way down? and no" I say noticing the blush on his cheeks "yeah I didn't want you to get hurt..." he says helping me up "holy crap! are you guys ok?" I hear rouge say 'he must have followed us' I think but when I look up everyone (accept Natsu and Wendy) from the dorm is up the top of the hill "yeah little sore but all good just don't know how we can get out-" just as Bixlow said that someone snuck up behind gajeel grabbed him and took off "gajeel!" I call out and start to climb the tree next to us "whoa be careful blondie!" I tune out the noises and take off through the trees following the guy as he dragged gajeel (when the guy snuck up behind him he rendered gajeel unconscious) noticing the path was to our tree house so I made a mad dash through the trees and cut the guy off before he got to the clearance " let.him.go" I say and the guy tosses gajeel into the river and the current being as strong as it was (the river goes to the waterfall btw and its a 367 foot drop) he drifted towards the waterfall so I grab a big stick and *wham* I hit the guy in the head knocking him unconscious and I take off down the river an dive in grabbing gajeel and a branch as we got to the water fall "LUCY, GAJEEL!" I hear juvia call out "DOWN HERE! I DONT THINK THIS BRACH WIL-" just as I was about to say the branch would break it did before anyone could get to us "I know a short cut to the bottom!" juvia said and I hug gajeel's head to my chest as we fall then we hit the water and gajeel starts to sink (she accidently let go when they hit the water)and I go up for air "LUCY! where is gajeel?" rouge said and I go back under and see him on the bottom so I grab him and start swimming up to the surface and take a big breath and swim him to the shore. rouge and orga then pull him out and Rufus lifts me up and out of the water (there is a lip on the edge of the small lagoon) and I start to look for a pulse on gajeel luckily finding one and I sit him up and hug him "is he ok?" rouge asked kneeling down next to me "mmhmmm..." I say as a tear rolled down my face " he will be fine he just needs to get some rest that's all nothing big" orga and Laxus then lift gajeel up and start to head back to the dorm "can you walk?" sting asked me "I think so.." I say but when I stand up I start to fall over but sting caught me "it's ok... I can carry you..."

to be continued...

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