Rainy day

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A/N: ok so to clear things up this chapter is a time skip but I will tell you what sting chose later on in the chapter ;)


It was a regular day at fairy tail academy classes where going great mind you they where faster than normal but I'm not complaining  so we ( gajeel, juvia and I) decided to have lunch under the willow tree behind the school pool talking about usual stuff like people who are getting on our nerves and what not when I saw them and took the opportunity to make gajeel laugh and juvia blush like crazy... " Juvia~" I sang getting her attention "mmhmmm?" she said while drinking her water " I think someone has a crush on you~ I will give you one guess on who it might be~" I say gesturing for the two boys behind her (they are on top of a hill and the boys are ascending it to where they are sitting). juvia cocks a brow " GRAY LYON CAN WE TALK TO YOU?" I say waving them over "yo! Lucy what's up?" Gray said as they walked over " oh I was just curious as to why you are always jealous when Lyon is close to Juvia? that's all" I say smiling and Juvia almost chokes on her drink "LULU!" juvia said glaring at me " she does have a point ya know..." gajeel said not bothering to look up from his phone " I don't get upset!" Gray said with a huge blush on his face "so you wouldn't mind if I did this?..." I say forcing Lyon to sit in-between Juvia and myself earning a glare from both Juvia and Gray " why am I dragged into this?" Lyon complains getting a stifled laugh from Gajeel "... BACK OFF SHE IS MINE-" Gray said covering his mouth, Juvia looked at Lyon and then me blushing like there was no tomorrow  " what did I tell ya? that's why I don't tell her about my love life... you have to learn how to hide it properly or she will find out...." Gajeel said still not looking up from his phone texting someone ' gotta get his phone later and see who he is texting...' I think to myself and smile "lulu? did you set this up?" Juvia asked half-heartedly as Lyon took the opportunity to run full on knowing what was to come next "nope, just lucky I guess..." I say trying to read Gajeel's texts  but all I saw was the name and it wasn't even something I could base off like really who names someone 'shrimp'? that's so weird ( by the way she hasn't met levy yet sooo yeah hope that clears things up...).

*time skip after school*

My mind kept going back to that name so much so that I hadn't realised it had started raining "hey, Juvia?" I say only just noticing the weather " yeah? what's wrong lulu?" she said with a smile " do you know why it's raining?" Juvia looked outside "no... I'm as happy as snow in winter so no I'm sorry" she said smiling with a hint of blush on her cheeks "has he asked you out yet?" she said changing the subject and I shot her a confused look "what do you mean?" I ask getting a scary look from Juvia and just as she was about to comment we spotted Gray standing at the door "I can share my umbrella with you if you want?" Juvia said tapping his shoulder getting a smile from him "yeah that would be lovely but my dorm is second farthest away..." Juvia took a deep breath "mine is the furthest away..." she said sadly "look just so long as you don't cause too much trouble ok?" he said winking at her. She looked at me "go ahead I'll catch up later." I say with a smile, she then gave me a guilty smile and they walked off towards the dorms "... well better start walking..." I say to myself not noticing someone following me until I saw Juvia and Gray giggling and Gray then pointed behind me so I look back and see Laxus holding his coat over my head as a make-shift  umbrella "you know you are probably going to catch a cold after this?" I say turning back around "yeah... but at least you won't and that's more important to m- Bixlow he said that if anything happened to you he would kill me..." I smile not noticing his small cover-up " yeah... I will see if I can talk to him about that, he has been like that since I was 2 months old... he has always seen me as a tiny bunny that needs constant attention... to be completely honest its kind of suffocating, like seriously I'm 17 for crying out loud! I cant do a lot of things because of him. It's hard to tell if he is being nice or just plain stupid! I just wanna know why he treats me like this..."I say rambling a little " well this is me... you still up for tomorrow?" Gray said running to the door " its a date!" Juvia called out I smile "what?" Juvia said cocking a brow " nothing... just thought it was kind of cu-" I was cut off by something whipping me on the ankle "gah!" I scream in pain as I fall over but when I look over to where the whip came from no one was there accept for Juvia and laxus I then feel someone pick me up bridal style and when I look I see laxus had wrapped me up in his coat  and was running to the dorm with Juvia texting gajeel.






*gajeel's P.O.V*

I had just gotten back to my dorm room when I hear a soft knock on the door thinking it was Freed I call out "its open!" that was a mistake "gajeel..." I snap my head towards the door and pin that little brat ( Wendy )  to the wall "ah! stop please its important!" I just hold her tighter "start talking then!"... "Gajeel dude what-" rouge says as he and Rufus walk in spotting Wendy " I told him he was going to far but he wouldn't listen the antidote is in the pouch on my belt!" Wendy said in pain "Rufus..." I say and he nods grabbing the pouch "when she gets here put three drops in the wound... he is going too far..."... "who?" I ask "Natsu... I told him that this was too far but he just locked me on the attic again" 'bunny girl' I then text juvia dropping Wendy "gah!" Wendy winces as I bend down and look at her 'did she  have those before?' I think as I look at her arm's that are covered in scars "where were you before you came here?" I ask " picking the lock on the closet door that Natsu locked me in..." she said hugging herself "..." I pick Wendy up bridal style  causing her to flinch "come on... we gotta talk to the others..." I say turning to Rufus and rouge "gajeel what are you-" I ignore rouge and walk down to the living room "why is she here?" cobra askes and everyone glares at Wendy "... where did the scars come from?" I ask Wendy sitting her down next to cobra much to his displeasure "Natsu... I'm used to it though... so they don't hurt as much as they used to..." everyone just stares at her and the door to the kitchen opens "oh... it seems I will have to change the lock on that door or more scars? what would you prefer? honestly I would do both but I'm feeling generous today..." Wendy just curls up into a ball " you told them didn't you?! you really aren't lying are you?! you still remember what she did?! don't you?" he started to stalk over to her and stopped in front of her balling his hand into a fist pulling it back and just as he was about to hit her cobra stepped in and punched him in the gut knocking him out he then turned to Wendy "who was he talking about?" cobra asked crouching in front of Wendy " my mom... she was on her way home from work when she got in a car crash... Lucy's dad was driving the car that hit hers it killed them both... at first I was upset and that's when I met Natsu... he proposed that we hurt her as pay back... I thought he was joking but when he killed her mom... I start to try and break away from him but every time I tried he would hurt me and blackmail me... I didn't want to hurt anyone...." we all look at her in surprise "GAJEEL! WHERE IS THE MED KIT!" juvia called out from the kitchen and Laxus came running through the door carrying bunny girl Wendy shot up and grabbed the pouch out of Rufus' hand and pulled out a dropper and a vile of a green liquid  and put three drops in the wound on bunny girls ankle " hey what are you?-" I cut Laxus off " I will explain later bunny girl should be fine..."

... to be continued

A/N: ok that took a while to write I kept getting writers block lols but I have a lot of new ideas next chapter I will explain Wendy's past 

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