Zeref and Mavis

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This chapter is going to explain the tension between Natsu and Lucy and go further into why Natsu wants to "kill" her. 

-/ flashback/- 

a little Lucy can be seen playing with dolls when a knock can be heard "come in Mavis!" a surprised Mavis opens the door "how did you know it was me?..." Lucy looks up from her dolls and smiles "daddy usually sends a servant and mommy just walks in "ok... so how would you like to visit your best friend today?..." mavis said with a smile "... wont we get in trouble?..." Lucy asked packing her dolls "I already asked them..." mavis replied "well then what are we waiting for?!" Lucy said giggling ...

-/ end flashback/-

*Lucy P.O.V*

 I hear a soft knock on the door and look up from my book "what do you want?..." I hear sting say sharply so I look over to the door to see a familiar face... "I'm just looking for Natsu..." 'that voice?!' " he isn't here so you can leave-" I cut sting off by punching him hard on the arm "ow! what the hell?!" sting yelled holding his arm I smirk and roll my eyes " he is at the beach with his friends..." I say getting his attention and sting and i watch as his face goes pale and his eyes widen "...no way..." he had a look of pure terror on his face "... please don't tell me your name is Lucy heartfilia?!..." sting and I look at each other "... yeah why?..." his face went from pure terror to worry and joy "...ok this may sound weird but do you remember me at all?... we used to hang out when you where little?" for some reason my mind went straight  to  one name "... zeref?!..." I say as I remember when we hung out as kids but as soon as the memory came it disappeared leaving only a name "yeah... well I had better go before Natsu embarrasses himself..." zeref then walked away " you know him?!" sting said wide eyed "... I think so... I can't quite remember most of my childhood... it's like I lost most of my life in the accident... it hurts to see people I should remember be mad at me because I don't remember them..." I say and sting hugs me "... I promise you I will help you get your memories back...if it takes me the rest of my life I will spend it getting your memories back..." I smile as a small tear slides down my face "... thanks... I mean it..." ' I just don't understand what happened?... why would I stop hanging out with him?...' I think to myself "what's your earliest memory?..." I think for a second " I guess that would have to be my 7th birthday party..." I say turning to face sting "ok... where were you on that day? maybe we can find some answers there!..." after an hour of thinking we hear a knock on the door "hey I'm going for pizza do you guys want anything?..." I snap my head up as an idea comes into my mind "BIXLOW YOU AREA GENIOUS!" i say kissing his cheek and rushing to my laptop and start to look through my photos and as soon as Sting and Bixlow enter the room i find it " hey Bixlow?... where were you when you and my mom took this photo?..." he looked at the selfie on the screen "pepperoni palace why?..." he said confused "are you going to get the pizza there?..." i ask "yeah... they have the best pizza in town...why?" i smile "sting and i would like to join you!" i say and we leave for the pizza place -(15 mins later)-.

when we got to the pizza place I ran to the old oak tree in the park "this was the last place i can remember her voice..." i say placing a hand on the tree and a memory come back 

-/ flashback/-

"hey Luce watch this!" a voice calls out from a branch "Natsu your gonna get hurt if you go any higher!" Lucy calls out pouting "only if I get caught!-" just as he said that zeref and a girl walk over "natsu! mom and dad will kill me if you get hurt please come down!" zeref calls out annoyed with his brother "fine! you ruin all the fun stuff!" natsu said climbing down the tree "how has your big birthday been so far Lucy?..." the girl asked hugging Lucy " it's been fun thanks for taking me out of the house again... it has been my best birthday ever!" 

-/ end flashback/- 

"Lucy?..." I pull my hand from the tree trunk and sigh "I can remember the faces but never the names... when i first saw natsu in school i recognised him straight away but i can't remember anyone else like i did with him... it's so aggravating" i say sitting down on the grass " maybe he could give you an answer..." Bixlow said walking over "... i don't know about that... he is still ignoring me after the whole 'dance' thing i can't just expect him to want to talk to me after what i said to him anyway..." i say drawing circles in the dirt suddenly i feel something light fall on my head and bounce off "what the?..." i look up but dont see anything but when i look down there is a note saying "call me" with a number below it "huh?... should i call it?..." i say showing the number to the boys "sure but if its some old creepy guy bad idea..." "try texting it to see if its legit..." sting said and as i put the number in my phone i see it is already in my contacts... "huh? thats weird... its already in my phone..." the boys huddle in closer and watch as i read the messages:

 "hey it's me again... i was wondering if you where busy tonight?..."

"oh hey Lucy nah im free is something wrong?..."

"no just bored and alone"

"you do know i'm right next to you right?..."

"pfft yeah..."

(end message section)

"wow these are pretty old messages cuz"... 'no kidding ' , the messages kept going like that for a while but then they start to get more serious 

"hey Mavis..."

"yeah whats wrong?"

"I heard you and mommy fighting last night..."

"oh... you did?..."

"is that why you aren't coming home?..."



"Lucy I don't know what you heard but please don't be mad... it's for the better"



(after that it's just a one way chat)

"hey out of curiosity check if there is a text from the day of your accident..." sting said out of no where and sure enough around an hour after the accident was on t.v. i got a text:

"Omg lucy?! please text me or call me are you ok?! tell me what happened I saw moms car on the news what happened?!..."

the texts got more frantic and I saw I even had missed calls from her then nothing "i think i know who we can talk to about your memories lucy..." sting said "i think she still has the same address i can look it up for you..." Bixlow added "no... i think i can find it on my own..." i say typeing a message and my finger hovers over the send button 'this can't be real... am i finally going to find out what happened that day?...' i press the button and watch as the bubble says 'message sent' but changes to 'message read' my heart jumps as the phone rings *RING* "holy crap!" i press the button to answer it and put it on speeker "h-hello?..." i say shaky "... hi..."... "who is this?..." the voice on the phone replies "... my name is Mavis... who is this?..." my heart dropped "... please meet me at dolphin point in one hour..." i then hang up "what the heack was that?!..." sting said in shock "i want to see her face..." i say in a monotone voice.

(1 hour later at dolphins point)

As I wait in the end of the dock I hear two people walk up behind me and sit on the bench "..." i text the number on my phone and hear a ping behind me "... huh? they just sent me a picture-", "it's a pretty sunset isn't it?... Mavis..." i say turning to see Zeref and who i can only guess is Mavis and i watch as her eyes widen in shock "i'm sorry i didnt relpy for so long... i only just saw the texts..."

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