zeref and mavis

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A/N: ok so this chapter is going to jump around a bit so her is a brief over view of whats going on time line wise. i will post ages at the beginning of the time jumps that tell you how old lucy is though these are not her memories... they will ALL be from Mavis' memory

(6 years old lucy)

*Mavis p.o.v*

"today is a good day!" I said getting up with a big smile 'I can't wait to see zeref again...' I think as I look for an outfit for the day "mavis?... are you awake?..." I hear mother call out through the door my smile fell "... yes mother?..." I say putting my favourite dress on "may I enter?... this is very important..." I open the door letting her in "... what did you want to talk to me about this time?..." I say walking over to my dressing table to brush my hair "... I need you to babysit Lucy again... your father and I have a meeting with the Dragneel family again..." my heart brightened but I kept a stone cold face "and you don't want her to hear the yelling?..." I say brushing my hair "that is what I was hoping..." I turn to face mother "fine..." she looked at me with a strange look on her face "mavis?..." she started getting my attention "yes?..." she grew a serious look "are you feeling ok?... something is different..." I turn to face the mirror "I don't know what you are talking about..." I say glaring at her reflection in the mirror and watch as she walks out the door 'what is that supposed to mean...' I think to myself as I walk out of my room and down the hall to Lucy's room (note: this is the memory Lucy had last chapter) and knock... -(2 hours later)- "come on! that's cheating!" Lucy said pouting "no it's called strategy..." zeref said patting Lucy's head getting a giggle from me "it's not funny mavis! he cheated..." Lucy said huffing "I am so lost..." natsu said getting my attention "your brother is just playing scrabble with Lucy..." I say turning my attention  back to natsu "now what colour did you want the scales?... white like your scarf?..." I ask "nope I like red! like a fiery red!" natsu said with a wide toothy grin "ok! a red fire dragon coming right up!" I say with a big smile and after and hour I finish the red dragon plush getting a wide grin from natsu "I love it!" natsu said hugging it " I win?! how did I do that?..." I hear Lucy say behind me "what happened?..." I say turning to look at the board game "well you played a long word that covered two triple letters, one double word and a triple word score... along with some high pointer letters..." zeref said scanning the board *buzz* I jumped "... uh oh..." I say as I read the message "what? what happened?!" zeref said standing next to me "this is bad my parents found out about yesterday..." I say my heart dropping "this is bad..." I say continuing on "why?... what happened?..." Lucy said looking up at me "nothing how about you go play with natsu... I need to talk to zeref for a second..." I say pulling zeref to out of the room "what?... what's wrong?.." zeref said in a hushed tone "yesterday I found something... something that could change this relationship forever..." I say on the verge of tears "what happened mavis?.. are you hurt?!..." zeref said in a panic "...my father found out about  us..." I say looking down "what?... are you serious?!" I nod "zeref I don't know what to do... " I say trailing off "we will get through this together...I will take care of everything... ok?" I look up at zeref "no... I cant let you do that for me... I will handle this..." I then look back at Lucy playing with natsu "it's them I'm worried about... what will happen to them if this goes wrong?... I don't want to ruin their friendship..." I say getting a hug from zeref "we will get through this together..." he whispered in my ear 'I hope so...'...

-(7 year old Lucy)-

"... mavis how could you?...." mother said in horror as my father had just told her about my relationship with zeref "Layla there is more you should know about..." father said getting her attention "... what?... what more could she be hiding?" mother said looking from father to me "...Mavis you should be the one to tell her..." father said not looking away from the window "... I'm pregnant... with zeref's child..." I say looking down *smack* my mother had slapped me hard on the face "HOW DARE YOU GO AND DO SOMETHING THAT STUPID?! YOU ARE NO DAUGHTER OF MINE GO PACK YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE THIS HOUSE... and don't bother coming back" she yelled at me angrily I turn on my heel and run to my room and start to pack my bags along with some money *ping* my phone went off and i look down to see a text from zeref...(CAPS ARE TEXTS)

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