bad memory's

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a/n sorry for not updating Wattpad is deleting my stuff

*sting's P.O.V*

"here I can carry you if you want..." I say gently picking Lucy up carefully "thanks sting... I'm sorry by the way..."... 'what is she apologising for?' I just look at her in awe "sorry? for what exactly?" I ask with s strange face "I don't know... I just feel like I'm forgetting something... something I should apologise for..." I began to wonder what she might be talking about when something caught my eye and I topped in my tracks getting everyone's attention "something wrong?" freed asked "shh... listen" I whisper loud enough for them to hear leaves rustle "what was tha-" I was cut off by a branch hitting me in the back causing me to drop Lucy as I fall over wincing in pain " who are you?" I hear a voice say and when I look up I see Natsu standing there just glaring at Lucy obviously upsetting her "back off..."I hear Bixlow say under his breath but Natsu just ignores him and gets right up in her face "answer me!" he said getting impatient "...L-Lucy-" he grabbed her shirt and pulled her face less than a centimetre away from his "where do you think you are going 'Luce' the dorms are the other direction." he said failing to notice the death glare from Bixlow until "I said... BACK OFF!" he yelled finally getting his attention we all just looked from Natsu to Bixlow waiting for a response from either one of them "why? what are you going to do about it?" he said grabbing Lucy's arm tightly "please let me go! you're hurting me!" she said as tears started to fall down her face *WHAM* Bixlow smacked him with a branch "bad choice..." Natsu said and picked Lucy up after knocking her out and took off with her "...not... my... cousin..."Bixlow said and took off after them and we all followed "NATSU THIS ISN'T FUNNY LET HER GO! SHE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU!" I call out then he jumped down a hole "crap! what do we do now?" I hear milady say and I jump down the hole and chase after him managing  to corner him "give her to me and I will talk to Bixlow we don't have to fight." I say calmly trying not to provoke him "fine I will let her go" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in then he dropped her causing her to scream in pain "you have a choice sting... you can take her and receive hatred from all of the others in our dorm or you can leave her here and we will leave the dorm" I hear Wendy say from behind me I didn't hesitate with my answer "I choose to-"

to be continued...

ha! always wanted to do that. never had the chance to do a cliff hanger on a story like this one well it was fun... and let me tell you I will not be the last... yes you heard me right there will be more but don't worry they wont be as bad as this one chao!   

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