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"340," I mumbled under my breath as Liam took another swing at the punching bag hanging from the ceiling

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"340," I mumbled under my breath as Liam took another swing at the punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

He let out a grunt as his fist hit the bag and swung backwards from the force and swung back at him, making him hit it again, "341."

He grabbed the bag after that, making it go stationary as he looked over to me, his eyes telling me he was thirsty.

Sighing, I put down my phone and grab his water bottle. Walking over to him, I pull up the tap of the bottle and step onto a stool next to him and pour water over his head and then into his mouth, "its nearly two a.m Liam, I'm tired," I whine.

His eyes grow a shade darker as he looks over me and points to the corner, "sleep," he commands.

I shake my head and cross my arms, "no. I don't have my blanket or pillows," I whine.

He growls and pushes away from the bag, "plus you need rest before tomorrow!" I yell at his back as he walks away.

He doesn't say anything and grabs his bag, he walks over to me and hands me a pair of scissors to cut off the tape on his hands as I do he flexes his fingers and fixes the bag on his shoulder before grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him only stopping to let me grab my bag, "hungry?" He growls.

I nod and so does he. He opens the truck and toses his bag along with mine into it before opening the doors and starting the car, "what do you want?"

"I'll find something at home," I mumble and look out the window.

He growls in annoyance before shifting the gear and pulling out onto the street and driving towards a small diner.

He pulls into a empty space and gets out, slamming the door behind him. I get out, more quietly because I know a few homeless folks live around these parts, and I'm not rude unlike Liam.

We walk into the diner and walk over to an empty booth, the seats have holes in them and the cheap leather covering is pilling off the thin foam inside.

A young waitress walks over to us and Liam decides it's be just peachy to order for both of us, "two cheeseburgers with everything, cheese fries extra ranch for her and two large lemonades," he grunts the girl quickly writing it all down before turning and leaving.

I sigh and fall back into the seat closing my eyes. I want nothing more then to just sleep, sleep for hours upon hours.

"You okay?" Liam asks quietly, his voice rough.

I nod and wipe my hands down my face and look at him, his eyes are looking over my face searching for his answer, he needs a good shave but refuses, his hair needs a trim from its shoulder length and his scar stands out against the pale skin of his face. His eyes catch mine and I sigh before smiling and nodding, "I'm good, you?"

He nods before leaning his head back and closing his eyes, "Hows the neck?"

"Its fine," he mutters.

"I'll massage it tonight and tomorrow before you fight okay?"

He nods and sits back up, "who are you fighting tomorrow?"

He sits back a little to think before growling, "Psycho."

My mouth falls open, "oh," I mumble and look down, "again?"

"Yeah," he growls, lower, getting angrier.

"You'll beat him again, don't worry," I reassure him and place my hand over his.

He growls before ripping his hand away, "I always win. You is what I'm worried about, I'll beat his little brother to death if he ever looks at you again," he growls so low only I hear it.

My eyes widen a bit before I nod and grab his hand again, "I'll be fine. Juice will be with me."

"I'll kill him Dream, I will," he growls again before the food is placed in front of us.

I gulp a little before letting his hand go and eating my food.

He never gets better. He hates everyone and everything and sometimes, I wonder why he chose me. Why me to 'take' him on? What was so special about me at four years old he stuck to my side like glue?

I'll never understand why he is so angry, so ruthless. He scares me, and not in a way that he may hit me or hurt me he wouldn't dare do that, more so about what he can do to others.

I see him fight. I see the look in his eyes, when he even thinks someone may hurt me. I've seen him when two or three of his friends have to hold him back from someone, the way he looks like a wild animal.

I've seen the times four people have to pull him off the other guy before he beats him to within an inch of their life.

Its fear for him, because one day he'll go to far. He'll hurt himself.

He's to angry for his own good, and not even I can fix that. The only person that can is him.

Liam is the only person who can help Liam.

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