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“I only want to be
known as the best ever.
Is that too much to ask?”
–BJ Penn

Liam sat there, in the hospital bed with only one thought on his mind, the same as always, 'get her out of this place' as he looked over at Dream.

Her shirt had risen up and showed the bottom part of her scared stomach. Her head was thrown back on the chair, her hair a wild mess atop her head and her arms crossed over her chest, hugging herself as she usually does when she sleeps.

He couldn't help it, he would do whatever it took to get her out of here, out of this town. Fight as much as he needs to, fight whoever he needs to.

He couldn't feel his side, or any of the hits in the ring, it was all for her, it always was and always will be.

Grunting I stand from the shit hospital bed and walk over to her. I slowly pick her up and place her in the bed and then lay next to her and pull her close to me. She moves a little before getting comfortable and falling into a deeper sleep then before.

I feel at ease with her close, I feel like a human and not some animal.

I never meant to do this fighting shit, I never meant to hurt her, and I never meant to hurt myself either, but here we are.

She was my savior, her four year old self saved me, even if she couldn't see it.

She saved me from myself, and has continued to do so since then, kept me sane and kept me in my place.

Slowly, my eyes finally feeling heavy enough to close after not feeling that way in a week. I relish in the feeling, and let myself fall into a deep sleep.

Dream's P.O.V

The beep of the machine in Liam's room was what woke me this morning. I vividly remember falling asleep in the chair next to the bed and this morning when I woke I was in the bed with Liam.

Shaking my head I pull away from his arms and slide off the edge of the bed and walk to the bathroom, I straighten out my clothes and redo the messy bun on my head. I walk back into the room to see most of the boys waking up as well as the doctor come strolling in.

He sees me and nods before turning to look at Liam, "well sir, you got very lucky. The bullet merely grazed your side and you should be healed in two weeks time. I suggest staying off your feet for about a week and then you can slowly start to begin doing new things, just to make sure you don't rip your stitches. Other then that you are free to go, since you haven't complained about pain or any other discomfort we aren't going to give you a prescription of pain meds, if you do experience any pain take some over the counter meds and they should work just fine."

Liam nods, his eyes telling me everything I'd need to know, he's fighting this weekend no matter what the doctor says.

Sighing I walk over to the side of the bed, "thank you for everything you've done Doctor, we really appreciate it. I'll try my best to make sure he follows your orders, okay?"

He nods, "good," and walks from the room.

Sighing I turn to Liam and smile before bending over and giving him a kiss on the forehead, "I know you won't stop training or anything, so I'll have to go buy some things to restitch you after you do alright? Juice will take me to the store and you go home, I'll see you then," I tell him and he nods.

"Keep her safe Juice," he growls before we leave the room.

Juice nods, "always," he vows.

As we walk from hospital I feel the stress hit me full force. I won't be back to school for at least two weeks, which won't really be an issue I can just get Juice to get my work but more so the fact Liam does this to himself. He just doesn't know when enough is enough, and that's going to kill him one day.

~2 days later at the gym.~

"Liam I have to stretch, I haven't for a few days and I'll start hurting soon. So I'll be over there," I point to the corner opposite his, "if you need me okay?"

He nods and hits the bag again.

Sighing, I see the blood from the bullet already seeping through the bandage on his side. Shaking my head I turn and walk over to the space.

I stand in a small second position and lean over, touching the ground between the legs and stretching out my thigh muscles. I move over to my right and then left before going down into a runners stretch.

I go back up into the second and turns to my right taking runners stretch again.

After this, I sit in a straddle split, making sure both my legs are straight to the side, knees up and toes pointed I lean over to the right, having my nose touch my knee as I pull myself closer to the leg. I do the same on the left before laying down in the middle, having Juice keep my legs knees facing upwards and Psycho pull me lower, flatter to the ground.

Finally, I go into my right split, bending over and touching my nose to my right knee, I do the same to the left and then go into my middle split.

Then I stand and walk over to Liam, "L?" I call to him.

He spins and looks down at me before nodding, "I need to stretch out back," I tell him.

He nods and holds out his arms. I sigh and slowly bend over one of his arms as he slowly pushes the other side of my body lower, bending my back almost in half.

Once that's done, I give Liam a hug and walk over to the edge of the ring where two teen boys are boxing with one another.

I go to one corner of the ring and put my leg up on it, keeping it straight and pointed like I would on a ballet barre and lean over while watching the boys.

The one in grey shorts has good technique but he moves to much, he tires himself out to fast. He has nice punches but he tries to hard, making him miss 60% of the time, while the one in blue shorts has slower, sloppy punches but he hits his target 80% of the time. He moves quick, but not to much to the point he gets tired quickly.

Once I'm finally done stretching, I hop in the ring with the boys, neither of them hearing me.

"Grey shorts, stop moving so much!" I yell out, the two of them pausing.

He nods and the two go back in, "blue boy, tighten that arm and punch with a purpose, not just to punch!"

He nods, sending a clean one to greys side.

Soon enough those two leave and Liam with Psycho jump in. Looking over at the clock it flashes nearly midnight. Sighing, I get out of the ring and go to my corner.

Day after day, this is my life.

Liam's P.O.V

I see her walk to the mattress in the corner and I want nothing more then to take her home, but I have to train.

I have to train and fight for her.

Everything I do, fighting, training and anything else is for her. To keep her out of her parents hands.

I hate seeing her sleep on the hard, dirty ground but if this is the hard part, then the best part will be anything and everything we've ever dreamed of.

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