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~Few weeks later, Dream's first day back at school after Liam's hospital stay

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~Few weeks later, Dream's first day back at school after Liam's hospital stay.~

"Hey Mr. Leo, I was out for a few weeks and this is all the work you gave Juice for me to do," I tell my math teacher as I stand at the front of the classroom.

He looks up for his work and nods, "did you get everything okay?"

I nod, "it was pretty easy, and I was mostly with Liam at the gym so if I had questions I had some older people to ask."

He nods and waves me off. I nod and grab a paper from the front table as I walk to my seat, I see Juice has already sat down and Hunter is next to my chair.

I smile and wave at him as I sit, "hey Hunter."

He nods and smiles back, "what's up Dream, where you been?"

I shrug and look down at the paper, "just busy, why miss me?"

"I might've, but really, what were you busy with?"

I hear Juice let out a quiet growl, no one ever asks why I miss so much school so often, everyone knows I'm usually with Liam.

"Just some stuff," I tell him, slightly annoyed.

"You sure? I mean, I hope it wasn't anything bad, you were gone for awhile," he jokes, "and the way you left class the other day? Who's Liam? And why'd you care he got shot so bad?"

"I mean, I even asked around and everyone refused to tell me anything even the teachers," he mumbles on.

I glance at him and find him staring at me, waiting for his answer, sighing I set my pencil down and turn to look at him, "you just don't give up do you?"

He smiles and nods, "never, now spill."

"Its really none of your business, but I was sick," I tell him and watch his smirk fall.

"No you weren't," he pushes.

"You need to stop boy," Juice growls, "don't try and learn about something you have no business knowing about."

Hunter looks over him and scofs, "shut up, I'm not talking to you."

"Oh lord," I whisper, knowing exactly what will happen next.

Juice pushes out of the desk, sending the chair flying back into the desk behind him. Hunter stands as well and the two come face to face, Juice just barely taller then Hunter.

Juice pushes Hunter back and Hunter trips over the desk behind him, "like I said drop it boy," Juice growls.

"Why, you her boyfriend or something?" Hunter spits at Juice as he stands up.

At this point no one has stepped in, and no one will. No one would ever get on Liam's bad side by stepping in between this.

Juice comes to stand in front of me, "go home Dream."

"W-what why?" I ask confused.

Juice turns, his eyes filled with rage, "go," he growls at me.

I nod and stand and grab my things, trying to move as fast as possible, "oh no. She can make her own decisions, she is her own person and doesn't have to listen to you," Hunter growls to Juice.

His undoing, Juice sends one flawless punch to his face, hitting his nose straight on. Instantly it beings to pour blood onto Hunter's close, his hands go up to hold the nose. Everyone, including me stops and stares, no one breathes, Juice is ruthless when he fights out of the ring.

Hunter goes right for Juice, sending a very, very sloppy punch you his abdomen, it doesn't even affect Juice. Juice let's out a quiet annoyed growl and pushes Hunter off him to the ground and kicks him once as Hunter scrambles to his feet and the two go in.

Each sending punch after punch, no one making a single noise except the grunts from the two.

Seeing Hunter's head fly backwards and slam onto the ground snaps me out of my daze, "Juice! Stop it!" I scream and drop my things to try and stop the two.

I run over to the other side of the classroom, all the other students have moved away from the boys. I grab onto Juice's shoulder and pull back a little, "stop it, Liam will be mad," I whisper so Juice will hear me.

He finally let's Hunter go and stands, kicking him one last time as he walks away and gets my things.

I drop down to me knees and grab Hunter's head, his eyes hazy and lazy looking, his face bleeding in several places and the bruises already beginning to form, "I'm sorry Hunter," I whisper to him.

He nods and turns his head, spitting blood before looking back to me, "its okay, don't worry abut me."

I look him in the eyes and wipe away some of the blood, "don't go asking about things you don't want to know about okay? Because the next time Fighter will get you, and I won't be able to stop him. For your safety, you should take a few days off of school and when you come back? Please don't ask about why I'm out for so long or about me in general okay?" I tell him, holding his head so he can look at me.

He weakly nods and sighs, "I should have stopped when he said to," he jokes.

"Let's go Dream," Juice's deep voice calls to me.

I nod and lay Hunter's head down slowly, gently, "please don't forget what I said, I don't need you to get hurt," I tell him as Juice drags me from the room.

"Why'd you tell him Liam's fighting name?" Juice asks, looking at me as he drags me from the building.

"I know he won't stop asking about me, and I want him to learn who Liam is, learn that he doesn't run things here. To let him know what will happen if he keeps messing with me," I tell him and look down at the ground, "Liam would kill him Juice, we both know that. I'm protecting Liam here, I know I am."

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