What makes them blush

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What are the small things that you do that make his cheeks warm up? 

• It's harder to make the blue-tentacled male blush since he sees normally romantic/flirtatious activities as a friend activity
• Despite all this, Goggle's ultimate weakness is...kisses on the top of his head!
• No really, whenever you pull the smaller male in an embrace and plant kisses on the top of his head, he turns into a blueberry!
• Afterward, his face is all blue and he's a giggly mess.     

• It's much easier to make him blush compared to Goggles
• Really, a really warm hug will do it
• However, what REALLY gets him all flushed is when you kiss any part of him!
• He keeps trying to avoid eye contact and murmurs responses nervously after  

• He's very calm, so getting him to blush is a challenge, but when you do, he totally loses it
• Your favorite thing to do to him to make him blush is booping him gently on the nose
• His eyes widen and his face practically becomes the sun
• He stutters a lot more and he seems to bury his face into the down of his parka which causes you to laugh which seems to make it worse 

• He's similar to Goggles, but for a different reason; he flirts with girls (sometimes guys) so he's used to the doting feeling from someone 
• Sometimes when you're both in conversation, you'll suddenly blurt out "I love you!"
• His eyes widen, his mouth left slightly agape and his cheeks slowly flush pink
• He murmurs a soft "I love you too" before grabbing his visor and tilting it down, thus hiding his face with it      

• He's a total virgin when it comes to anything remotely flirtatious, so it's easy to get him to blush; however, you can never tell when he is because of his mask
• Once, you were feeling bold so you flipped his mask up and kissed his nose before flipping it back down with a grin
• He gasped and seemed to visibly shake a bit, obviously flustered
• You comforted him by pulling the flustered male into a hug (which only flustered him more)

• He's often in his own world, so sometimes to get his attention you'll do something really flirtatious
• Like Mask, you can't tell when he's blushing because of his bandana 
• Despite the bandana, his eyes widen and he lets out a surprised muffle when you do it
• He remains wide-eyed and quiet for a while before he suddenly ruffles your tentacles (top of your head if you don't have tentacles) as his way of acknowledging what you did   

• He tries to take everything you do to be platonic (so he doesn't lose his cool) but there are some things that you do that can't be very platonic
• For example, when you hug and then peck his cheek
• His pupils shrink at first as his face turns a light shade of green  
• He passes it off as just you being cool, but once you leave he has a huge cheesy grin on his face

• He's typically the one who likes to make you blush, not the other way around
• Despite that, whenever you flirt with him, he takes it as a 'pleasant surprise'
• He laughs it off with a sunny blush on his cheeks, but then when you're not around he has an Army-look on his face as he thinks about it
• He cherishes the memory forever and talks about it fondly with his team all the time  

• Prince will blush if you just pat his back 
• He stutters and tries to avert his eyes from yours
• You laugh and call him cute which only worsens his blush
• He later vents about how 'fuzzy' he felt inside when you did it to Emperor and the older male laughs and simply ruffles his tentacles   

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