How they show affection

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Everyone's different! How do the boys typically show you their affection? 

• He's super affectionate in every way possible!
• Nuzzles, words of praise, gifts, you name it!  
• Sometimes the gifts are a little odd (for example, he once gave you a macaroni picture of Rider being pantsed)
• At the end of the day, you know he means well! Even if you two weren't dating, he'd always make you feel loved

• He's mostly verbal, but here and there he'll give you a side-hug 
• He compliments you a lot on your habits and the weird quirks he figures out about you
• When private, he'll allow you to lay around on him
• When you're both trying to sleep, he'll often spoon you, though!

• Army is strange: he tends to show affection indirectly. Like absentmindedly 
• Absentmindedly he'll play with your tentacles while shouting orders 
• He speaks highly of you, especially when you're around
• He gifted you your own copy of the Squid Net Manual, which is something that literally no one but his teammates have

• Like Goggles, he's all types of affection as well (though he's a little more toned down in the physical and gift department)
• He's VERY verbally affectionate, though 
• He has no problem mercilessly slaying you with compliments and praise in public 
• He's even worse in private

• He's a lot shier when it comes to conveying affection
• Especially verbal affection; he wishes he could be more verbal, but whenever he tries to say something the words kinda dry up in his throat
• So instead, he's more physically affectionate! Even though you're often the one to initiate cuddling and hugs, he'll sometimes...well, he'll literally just flop onto you 
• If in public, the most he'd do is squeeze your hand if you two are holding hands

• It's rare for him to be affectionate; affection doesn't really come up for him 
• However, he'll sometimes buy you an ice cream cone or a pastry
• Sometimes he'll share things with you as well
• So really, sharing a huge ass ice cream sundae with you is the most affection you'll receive from him (at this point in your relationship)

• He has no problem being physically affectionate to you in public, but he totally gets flustered when you return the gesture!
• He often likes to boast about your skills and personality to literally e v e r y o n e 
• He likes to make you blush a lot, so you can expect a lot of public affection
• Sometimes, he'll just ruffle your tentacles while having this pure smile on his face

• He'll only cuddle you once you're out of your "street clothes," so he's not very physical
• So instead, he shows affection with gifts!!!
• Sometimes you'll be having a rough Turf War/Ranked day, so he'll surprise you with neat little chocolates or flowers
• He often likes to praise you in public too (much to your embarrassment)

• Like Mask, he's shier as well
• Doesn't mean he doesn't try, though!
• He's often the one to initiate cuddling and hugs, though they're significantly softer than the other guys' 
• Whenever he compliments you, it always comes out as a stutter and his face gets all flushed!

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