They get sanitized

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He's been sanitized. Does he try to kill you, or does he...well, who knows what other horrors might happen?

• It takes time for the sanitization to take effect since his idiocy somehow acts as a protective barrier against it 
• Since there's no Tartar here to give his victims orders, the sanitization simply accentuates either your feelings, personality, or it simply keeps you as a zombie
• Unfortunately for you and everyone else, the sanitization increased his stupidity by 1000%
• Dealing with a sanitized, dumbass Goggles exhausts you immensely; it doesn't help that he seems to get even stupider when you're around

• It takes a good while for the sanitization to take effect as well since Rider's body built more immunity against it, due to the first time he was sanitized
• The sanitization makes him a lot more violent than he used to be
• Half of your time is spent having to restrain him and having to fight him off 
• Ironically enough, the other half of your time is having to keep him in check, since he only seems to respond to YOUR orders (if you're not his current target, which is a rarity)

• It doesn't take long for the sanitization to take effect--his mindset is already similar to the sanitization's 
• It boosts his personality; now he's a goddamn drill sergeant 
• His team temporarily disbands to let Army heal, leaving you and Forge to "quarantine" him
• He's less of a mom and more of a boss now, so you're more than annoyed 

• For some damn reason, the sanitization decided to not only accentuate his emotions but his personality as well!
• So now he's super flirty 
• The 'feelings' part of him decided to lock on to you, unfortunately. aka you're the victim of his flirtation
• He's kinda clingy too 

• Dumbass was trying to play Pokemon Go and he accidentally wandered into the metro 
• Because he's always so negative, the sanitization jumps on the 'only' positive feeling he has--his 'tiny' crush on you. aka the sanitization triples that by 1000
• He's now abnormally possessive of you, and if you thought he got jealous easily before, haha well he's a lot worse now
• His ink color easily mixes in with the typical sanitized ink color, and he's already pale, so the only way you figured out he was sanitized was by his pixelly accent

• This guy is SCARY when sanitized 
• He's hostile no matter what; he barely remembers anyone
• Anyone who dares enter his sight will immediately get shot at
• When he sees you, he hesitates for a brief moment...but he'll still pull the trigger effortlessly

• Dumbass actually dodge-rolled into the metro because he was dared to
• The sanitization strangely makes Gloves super clingy and talkative
• He literally won't leave you alone
• Strangely, though, he'll still help you on puzzles and tests despite being on the 'other side' 

• Inner Agent 3: Emperor Edition
• The sanitization boosts his ego more and decided to keep his crush on you
• He won't leave your side, stating that you're 'rightfully his' 
• He's super possessive of you

• At first, he's hostile and attacks immediately
• Capturing and keeping him down is easy, though; his mind blanks once he's captured
• He doesn't talk at all, either
• You constantly give him hugs and nuzzles, trying to jog his memory

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