When they mother you

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What triggers those moments when he suddenly mothers you for a moment?

• It's unusual for him to mother you since he trusts that you take care of yourself
• Yet, he worries when you don't eat 
• He acts like a chibi police officer as he drags you to a nearby restaurant since he knows that him cooking would be bucci 
• He's all pouty at you if you don't eat the meal, so you do it to satisfy him, and boy is he proud that he's successfully 'saved you from the terrifying world of starvation'. 

• You've been having trouble with keeping up with your schoolwork because it's the final week of the q u a r t e r 
• Rider notices the rapid growing list of work to do on your planner and desk 
• Seeing that nothing is getting finished, he decides to force you to do your schoolwork
• He tutors you as you both slowly but surely go through the pile 

• Army always mothers people so you're pretty used to it 
• You have a few wounds from the kitchen and quite a few papercuts but you never took the time to treat any of em' or use a bandaid
• He quickly notices and forces you back to your home to treat them  
• You try to reassure him that it's fine but he stands his ground; by the end of your time there, you leave with your arms and a finger all covered with some sort of bandage.     

• You've been acting a lot more depressive lately which worries him 
• He attempts to cheer you up by taking you to more parties and doing fun stuff in general
• You realize that he's figured it out, so you take more time to hide it; he still sees right through you, though 
• He sits you down to discuss how bad it is to keep negativity inside, and you end up promising him that you'll tell him what's going on next time; he then gives you an affectionate hug afterward   

• When he finds out that you're not sleeping at all or not enough, that 'irks' him (which is his way of saying that it worries him but he has pride)
• He confronts you on it, interrogating you about it 
• You forget that he has your social media, so he can tell when you're online or not 
• When he sees your status as "last online: 4:36 a.m." he ends up threatening to force you into a sleepover if you don't sleep right 

• You've been eating WAYYY too many sweets, and this time it ain't because of your period (if you're female) 
• He decides to confiscate the majority of your sweets to lessen the amount since he knows that you're too stubborn to reason with 
• At first, it's an all-on war with you both; he's not allowing you to buy more, nor is he letting you consume more, and you can't find anything that he took which irritates you
• Eventually, you finally get the memo and reluctantly lay off the sugar   

• All you did was wear your clothing lopsided and that got him on a rampage
• hip hip hurray you're on a shopping spree w/ gloves 
• He may not be too knowledgable about what looks good on his part, but he can somewhat put a nice enough outfit together for you
• It took a good two hours before you both finally left, and your clothes were still lopsided >:(   

• All you had to do was trip and he's all over you
• He insists on carrying you to a nearby bench to check over the scrape
• You're quite indignant about the whole situation but he's having None Of It, but you still thank him - "wow thanks mOm"
• He rolls his eyes at this but lays off only a small bit as you both resume walking

• He doesn't mother very much because he's too shy 
• Whenever you run out of supplies, let it be gold, food tickets, ability chunks, shampoo, he's got you covered
• And by covered I mean he decks you chockful of that item, you'll be good for at least a year
• When you ask him "wHY" he seems to believe in being prepared; a similarity between him and Emperor it seems 

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