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Ruh-roh! They're jealous that someone's "encroaching" on do they manage? 

• A situation like this would be VERY rare since Goggles isn't a very jealous/envious person in general
• Any feelings of envy would be more childlike if anything
• Usually, these feelings would occur if you were giving someone else more hugs or attention than he's getting
• Either he'll pull down your pants, shove food in your face, or he'll latch on to your arm to get your attention back 

• A teammate (or a hotshot like Gloves or Aloha) drapes their arm over your shoulder and practically shrugs you closer to them
• Rider's sensible, so he won't act immediately. Rather, he'll sulk in the corner with his arms crossed
• Only later when you both are alone is when Rider attempts to casually ask you about the person and about your relationship with them
• You easily catch on and give him hell for it; however, you reassure him that there's nothing going on. He trusts you, so he nods and you both move on 

• He's talking to someone (a teammate or friend), and they clearly know more about you than he does
• He prides himself on being knowledgeable, so being outshined in terms of knowledge (in general) is a heavy blow to him; not just that, but knowledge on you as well? It feels like a fully-charged E-litre shot to his pride
• There are two scenarios: either his sensibility kicks in and he instead uses his jealousy to his advantage by getting to know you better (He has a section on jealousy in his manual. Competitive thinking like this actually helps him grow to be better, surprisingly)
• Scenario #2: He's hot-headed, so he might butt heads with the person; it'd be more of a catfight than anything 

• He's pretty chill overall, and he can usually tell if someone is trying to make moves on you; ironically enough, he doesn't get jealous if it's someone he knows, but if it's a stranger, he's all over it
• In this case, someone he doesn't know is flirting with you, and oh my cod you're flirting back?
• He rarely gets this kind of action with you, so expect him to pout and rest his head on top of yours while loudly asking the person why they're flirting with you
• It turns out the person is just a friend, much to your chagrin. However, Aloha still doesn't back down and he passive-aggressively asks him to back off 

• Mask gets jealous very easily. He's a naturally envious person, so when he sees you interacting with someone else (like Aloha, for example) he can't help but grow jealous rather quickly
• He knows it's dumb to get jealous over pointless stuff like you smiling at Aloha or one of your teammates, but haha hormones amirite
• Usually, he'll give them a really nasty glare, and depending on how near he is to you, he'll either scoot closer, or he'll 'subtly' tell them to back off
• Mask's an intimidating person, so the person quickly grows uncomfortable and leaves. Mask's low-key smug after that 

• Another rare situation, since Skull is pretty sensible, too
• He's an airhead, so the only way this could happen is if he mentally dipped out during a conversation, which is lost context
• You gave Goggles a few lollipops, the context is that he wanted to give Hachi something sweet to try since he's still new to the surface and all. Skull didn't know this, though, as he dipped out midway; when he comes back, all he sees is you giving out candy with a smile on your face
• He's not very vocal about his feelings, so don't expect him to ask you anything or admit he's jealous; he'll either move to stand closer to you, or he'll just mildly glare from afar 

• You're joking around with a teammate, and you both are cackling over inside jokes
• Gloves isn't in on the inside jokes, and you look like you're really enjoying yourself, so he feels a bit envious that this (not) random teammate is able to make you laugh so much
• With Gloves, it's that classic cliche of fighting for your attention; he's trying to make you laugh just as hard as the teammate did too. The teammate picks up on it and decides to mess around with him for a bit, thus starting the competition
• A session of laughter later, and once Gloves isn't around, your teammate informs you that Gloves was jealous; when you ask Gloves about it, he immediately denies it, and he simply says that a lot of your jokes just reminded him of past events. He'd never admit it. 

• Jealousy really isn't his thing either since he's pretty confident in his abilities
• Really, the kind of things he'd get envious over is someone's ability to socialize with you, or how well they seem to know you
• He doesn't dare dwell on these feelings of inferiority, though. He considers that weakness
• The only indication you'd ever have that tells you he's feeling this way is if you notice that he's considerably more possessive of you  

• He doesn't get jealous often either; he's quite sensible and can usually tell if something's just harmless
• He idolizes his brother a lot, but at the same time he's often overshadowed by Emperor; therefore, if you're interacting with Emperor a lot during the day, his jealous would stem from his insecurity/feelings of inferiority
• He knows it's probably dumb, but he doesn't want to lose you to his brother
• It's pretty easy for him to hide it; he simply asks you if you two could hang out more the next day, he'll give you more physical affection, and he leaves it at that 

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