"Aww, what a cute couple!"

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What are their reactions when someone calls you two a cute couple? Embarrassment, humor, uncertainty?

• You two were casually holding hands while walking to the Battle Tower
• It was actually Aloha who was all like "Oh hey, lovebirds!" 
• Goggles has no idea what Aloha means, so he just raises your interlocked hands and cheers in response
• "Yeah, we're a great couple!" 

• He was training you in a Private Battle; more specifically, he was teaching you how to hold the Dynamo 
• It's rare to see Rider and Blue Team separated, so sure enough, Blue Team was in the Private Battle as well 
• Rider was helping you raise the Dynamo when both Specs and Headphones started snickering about how Rider always acted soft toward you, and Specs suggested a possible crush
• Before you could react, Rider's face completely flushed and he yanked the Dynamo from your grasp and literally flung the weapon at the pair

• Ohh boy. Like Goggles, it was Aloha who called you both lovebirds 
• Army. He goes b e r s e r k
• "A-Aloha! Now is NOT the time for such...crude accusations!"
• You spent more time being amused by Army stuttering than considering what Aloha said 

• Aloha posts a bunch of selfies that contain you both posing happily, so naturally, people often assume you two are a thing
• Aloha l o v e s it. He's got a crush on you anyway, so he'd take any sort of chance to be able to openly flirt with you
• When it happens in real life, though, he'll gauge your reaction before he reacts himself
• (Assuming that you're an Aloha fangirl) You aren't too bothered by it, so he doesn't hesitate to tease you by "confirming" these claims 

• He was teaching you how to play a video game by standing behind you and guiding your hands on the controllers
• A few people were watching, and only Mask heard the "They're so cute together!"
• Mask's face suddenly flushes and he tenses up
• Since he's literally pressed up against you, you feel his body tensing and you're like "Hey, you good?" and he's like "yEAH I'M GREAT"

• You two were sharing an ice cream when it happened
• Skull completely acts nonchalant about it; after all, it's happened before. Why should this bother him? (he's just as oblivious as Goggles)
• You, on the other hand? Embarrassed. You and Skull, a cute couple? Skull, a member of the legendary S4!?
• "...Skull, you're okay with this?" "Sure. It's you, after all." "oH"

• You were laughing at something Gloves said when Clip said it
• Well really, she whispered it to Strap--LOUDLY
• Like Aloha, Gloves has a crush on you at this point, so he decides to take advantage of this by slinging his arm around your shoulder and hit on you
• "Shell yeah, we're the freshest couple!"

• Like Aloha and Gloves, Emperor would take any opportunity to flirt with you
• Despite his confidence, though, that doesn't mean he doesn't get flustered
• In this case, because it was a bunch of fangirls teasing him about it, and he just so happened to see you as a fitting partner for him, he got visibly flustered QUICK
• Even though you weren't around when it happened, you saw it trending on social media, and like him, you got flustered as well 

• Emperor is very well aware of your and Prince's closeness, and frankly, he'll sometimes indulge himself in teasing Prince
• You both were living your best lives by playing a video game together when Emperor was all like "How are the emotional wellbeings of my little brother and sister/brother-in-law doing?"
• "bROTHER!?!?!?"
• Cue Prince squaring up to Emperor in embarrassment while you fangirl internally in the background

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