When they hear you sing

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This was requested by @The_Little_Octoling
What happens when he hears your pubescent voice suddenly morph into a heavenly melody?

• You were softly singing the lyrics to Calamari Inkantation when Goggles overheard as he strolled past the shower room 
• Not caring for social rules, he quietly slips inside and sits on the counter near your shower stall
• He begins to sing along, which startles you 
• Once you get out (with a towel on) you scold him for entering and being so close to your stall, but then you let up on him when you realize he wasn't attempting to be pervy 

• You both were training together and were currently breaking, so you head into the other room to plug in your airpods and listen to music 
• You unknowingly began to sing along quietly, being so distracted in the music that you didn't notice Rider creeping up on you 
• He'd heard from Goggles before that you could sing well, but damn he wasn't expecting this 
• He teases you about it all the time just so he could see your face get all flushed 

• He plays guitar, so one day he asked if you could sing while he plays 
• You happily accepted, choosing a nice country song to sing along to 
• He's beyond surprised by your performance and politely praises you 
• He writes about your skills in his manual and he tells you that he's merely recording how well you sang, but in reality, he's practically writing down a fanboy experience 

• You both were having a karaoke night together, just you two 
• At one point, Aloha chose a song that you both happen to know
• This time you sang along with him, and he began to smile while he sang as he realized that you were singing along
• He's super fond of your singing voice and will often grab your hands and sway them while you two sing together

• He's gotten wayyy sicker than usual, and one of the symptoms is that he keeps coughing so he can't sleep 
• He kept fidgeting while he was doing a breathing treatment so you decided 'hey let's sing a lullaby to possibly calm him down' 
• Placing his head in your lap and gently stroking his tentacles, you softly sing to him 
• He's lowkey shook that you could sing so well, but he doesn't completely fall asleep, but you put him at a lot of ease and sped up the process of sleep for him 

• You were singing some gucci song about who knows what while you were icing a cake you decided to bake on a whim 
• Skull enters your house/apartment/townhouse whenever he really wants to so he was just chilling on the couch when he overheard 
• He appreciated it but didn't say anything until he sneakily snatched a slice of cake 
• He told you that you're talented and ruffled your tentacles, but he rarely brings it up since he noticed that you seem p embarrassed about it 

• You both were shopping when suddenly a song from Chirpy Chips came on 
• You softly muttered the lyrics, Gloves overhearing 
• He broke out singing the lyrics 'in a cool way' to boost your confidence and also because he likes the song too  
• You quickly joined in, and unknown to you, he recorded you singing it on his phone to show to his teammates at home; he continued singing though, so you didn't feel bad about the stares that the normies were giving you 

• A radio was playing an instrumental to one of your favorite songs so you sang it as you cleaned your weapon 
• He's absolutely bedazzled by your skills; they match up to his own 
• He demands that you sing more to him, and him only 
• Whenever you do, he listens with intent and then absolutely beats you with praise when you're done

• Emperor requested that you 'babysit' Prince (in which Prince calls it 'watching') 
• It was Prince's curfew, so you being the good babysitter you are, you decided to tuck in the child 
• After leaving him be for about 15 minutes, you heard his footsteps creeping so you went to put him back to bed 
• Like Mask, you sang him a quick lullaby to help him fall asleep; unlike Mask, he falls asleep     

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