If you were childhood friends with them

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What if you two were childhood friends? What activities would you partake in together?

• You've known him longer than Blue Team has; you're literally the OG
• You two built a treehouse once; even now, you two still go up there and read comic books (though it's really cramped, so you always have to be in squid/octo forms when up there)
• You hung out at each other's houses a LOT. hell, you had each other's house keys 
• After he met Blue Team, they were honestly a little jealous because of all the praise he gave you, but you all still got along nonetheless

• You two were classmates; you got confused a lot in class, so he found himself always flitting over to help you
• You two were really wholesome with each other; your and Rider's parents thought you two were absolutely adorable when together
• You would help him build stick forts, and then for some reason, you liked to jump into the forts to make the sticks crash down. Back then, that was the funniest thing to you and Rider, though neither of you understand it now
• Strangely enough, you liked to read those "Weird But True" books together and theorize why the animals were like that. You came up with some pretty funny scenarios

• You were being teased, and getting pretty upset about it, so Army stepped in 
• Thus began the start of your friendship with Army; you should've seen him proudly slap that Spiderman bandaid on your knee
• At first, he intended to simply keep an eye on the bullies so you'd be fine, but then you started playing with him at recess and talking to him in the halls, so you ended up becoming friends
• Sometimes, you'd go to each other's house after school and the parents would make you both food while you did group projects and/or studied together

• You and Aloha were the Power Duo
• Like the teachers never paired you up because either your laughing got too loud or you guys were doing something absolutely cursed
• You two liked to do the jungle gym the most; you'd often try to play games like Sandman on the hardest set of equipment because it was the most fun
• Surprisingly, you never went to each other's houses. It wasn't that he was shy or you were shy, it was just that you two were honestly happy wherever you were if you were together

• You often defended him from bullies, so it was only natural that you would become friends
• It was actually you who exposed him to video games!
• If it was a particularly rough day at school, he'd come to your house and you two would stay up until midnight playing games like Mario Party, Minecraft, etc
• You, unfortunately, had to switch schools before middle school started, so your parting was very bittersweet; he ended up really depending on you emotionally, (and somewhat physically) so your departure really hit him hard

• Being friends with Skull meant that you would be friends with Aviators, so you three were your own little friend group
• Opposite of Rider, you would often be the one helping Skull with schoolwork and other activities; you were his go-to person for help
• Whenever it was Splatoween, you and Skull would always combine your candy load and trade the ones you didn't want for the ones you did want
• You liked to climb trees together and watch people interact from afar; if it was somebody you didn't like, you would make fun of that person together

• Like Aloha, you were the Power Duo with Gloves
• You liked to race each other a LOT
• One time, you two were racing to the top of this huge net jungle gym, but you somehow fell from the top and plummetted to the bottom; you were fine, but you hit your head really hard and got a few scrapes
• Gloves burst out crying the whole time (He gets all pouty and embarrassed when you mention it now)

• Emperor (and Prince) had really snotty parents that wouldn't allow Emperor to play with other kids because they were commoners
• Except for one time, his babysitter took him out to a playground over by a lake (Prince wasn't born yet). He found you playing Fort with a few other kids
• He didn't have very good social skills, so he kinda just barged in and did things on his own. You were patient, though, and taught him how to use slides and tic-tac-toe slidey things (y' know, the things that spin that are on walls?)
• He asked if you could all play King, and when they said yes, he quickly became king and he appointed you as his "trusty knight." You all played until the other kids had to go; then you stopped playing, and instead, you played tag until you had to go 

• Like Emperor, Prince was isolated from other kids because they were commoners
• However, he met you at the park; you were blowing bubbles, minding your own business before you noticed him standing awkwardly
• You waved him over and shared your bubbles with him (y'know, a child's outgoingness?) and you started talking to each other
• At the end of the day, you two ended up getting along really well; however, you rarely see each other because of his parents

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