Chapter 26: The Fell Winter (Part 2)

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The weather had just as severe as everyone expected. Snow fell in all directions, thanks to the bitter, harsh wind that seems to take an immediately dislike to the Dwarves and their ponies. So much snow fell that no one could see anything in front of them and it was only until the very last moment when a familiar tree or hill would reveal itself did Thorin know which direction they were heading. The Lhûn had froze solid, so they did not need to travel through the Grey Havens to cross it on this occasion. The sleigh glided across easily and the ponies were given a brief break from trudging through the snow. Despite the villainous weather, the ponies were just as stubborn as Dwarves and would not halt for even the strongest gust of snow in their poor faces. Fili and Kili, sitting on each side of the sleigh, talked to each other through the railings to pass the time. Both brothers hid from the snow by pulling their hoods far over their heads and facing away from the wind.

"Are you cold, Kili?" Fili asked.

Kili glared at his brother for asking such a question.

"Let's talk about warm things, that should help us!"

"Like what?"

Fili thought, then smiled, "A fire! A nice, warm campfire!"

Kili smiled back, "The Sun! Nothing is hotter than that!"

"Fresh biscuits!"

Both eyed a fur-covered basket they knew contained biscuits, but soon looked away from it in order to not give in to their desire. Fili joked that if either of them were Bombur, he would have taken the biscuits without a single thought. Kili looked down at a couple of soldiers walking close to his side of the sleigh, "Oi, you two! Name something warm!"

The first one thought for a long while, then responded in a chuckle, "My bed!"

The two soldiers laughed, Kili was quick to join them. The second soldier added, "I bet my beard is warmer than your bed!" The first soldier frowned, "I think not!"

"Go on, feel it!"

The first one felt his comrade's beard with one hand and scoffed, "It may be, but it is not warmer than mine!" The two laughed again, Kili could not join their laughter this time.

"Thank Durin for blessing us with beards to keep our faces warm!"

"Oh wait, you still don't have one, do you lad?"

Kili turned away, as he had only been able to grow stubble when other Dwarves his age already had full beards. Fili suddenly sat beside him and barked at the two laughing soldiers, "Keep moving before you both sink into the ground and we have to dig you up!"

Thorin and Dwalin travelled in front of the ponies to make sure that they continued to head in the right direction. Fortunately, they had not yet strayed from their intended path, giving Thorin much confidence that they would arrive before sun-up. The snow did not bother him, even when it tried to irritate him by blowing into his face and getting caught in his beard. As soon as Thorin saw what he believed to be the Tower Hills, he knew that they were very close to arriving in Hobbiton.

"Why are we doing this again?" Dwalin grumbled, pulling his dark green hood over his shaved head and brushing snow off his beard vigorously.

Thorin halted for a moment, as he sensed that the ponies were a bit too far behind for his liking, "I owe someone there a favour," he replied, "And because I would not like to have the reputation of those I despise so much."

"Aye to that," Dwalin answered, "Speaking of which, what did Elrond have to say about the Shire?"

"I do not know, but perhaps it would be wise to find out."

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